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An unexpected return to a 'cilivisted' system

14 Mar 2021Ringo Simpkins
Had a bit of a disaster with the SRV, my fault really for trying to max my jump range and only bringing one. I got wedged in a cleft after a tumble and had to self destruct in order to get back to the Stranger. As I result there was no choice but to return to what we laughingly refer to as civilisation.

So early on Thursday dropped in to LHS 417 as I’d heard I could find some decent Selenium reserves nearby plus buy myself a new SRV. I’d stopped by a Material Trader on route and traded out some of my recent hoard and was feeling pretty OK with the Galaxy; so it was with some shock that I discovered the terrible news via Galnet of the NMLA bombings of nine stations. Last I’d heard was everyone was getting along fine and some sort of major treaty was afoot at the summit. How things can turn in a few days.

What I find difficult to comprehend with all these political types is the need to squabble over such a tiny part of the Galaxy. There is a lot of space in space, the place is full (or empty) of it. On my short hop out to HIP 36601 I’d scanned two undiscovered systems stuffed full of resources and passed through dozens of well stocked systems with not a soul (apart from mine as I blasted through) in them. Surely there is enough for everyone with quite a bit to spare. So why all this fuss? I mean even in the Bubble there are resource rich systems, bare of any population, unclaimed and waiting for exploitation - if that’s what they’re all wanting. But no, they fall out and war with each other over the systems they are in, even though next door there is a star and it’s children with even more room and resources to support ten times the amount of population

Many times as I tumble through Witch Space and in the empty times between I do consider that the Galaxy’s worst endeavour is Humanity. We are a plague on creation, wherever we go we war, whatever we discover we destroy. I am however a hypocrite, I am part of this. How else can I acquire the necessary funds and resources to reach Colonia? Yep, I exploit reserves and kill for the highest bidder.

As it happened the good folks of HIP 417 were having a little bit of a falling out too, so a swift 100 million credits in Combat bonds came my way, not to mention quite a bit of scavenged goodies. I’ve moved my little fleet to Gernhardt Camp, I think I’ll hang around the local systems for a while. Quite profitable being part of the plague on creation it seems.  The Selenium will still be there next week after all.
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