Logbook entry

Another slight mishap

14 Mar 2021Ringo Simpkins
I seem to be having a bit of bad luck, loosing my SRV last week and now this! Thank some deity or another I was in LHS 6282 when it all went to crap; although to be fair I guess if I’d have been out in the middle of nowhere I’d have been out of range of corporate systems relays so it probably would not have happened.

So, I’d popped over to LHS 6282 as there was a war going on, not that I was going to be getting involved, more to hoover up all the military grade left overs that are so abundant after a lot of shooting has taken place. I was sitting back watching the limpets do their thing when Verity pipes up with an alert about a system upgrade being available. Without much thought I just said go ahead, I mean the last one got the coffee maker working properly so only good things to come. Or so I thought.

The Questionable Ethics, a Lakon Chieftain, is a pretty reliable piece of kit, it has to be. Thing is I have done a fair bit of tinkering with it's systems remapped all of the control bindings and modified Verity a lot. I'd also linked the fleet together to share all these 'improvements' so whatever I did with the Questionable Ethics, got carried over to them all and vice versa. I like things to be the same, makes finding the boost as a pack hound screams in a lot easier.

So, the ship went offline after the download. Chimed then rebooted, I was looking forward to discovering some new whizzy bit of something. Everything came back online with a welcoming chime. One of the Limpets complained about the cargo scoop being closed, must have happened during the upgrade process. I asked Verity to open it then BOOM! She's deployed hardpoints and evaporated every last limpet and their cargo before I could blink! The command to stow the hardpoints was greeted with HUD displaying the Full System Scanner. I began to realise something was not quite right.

After shutting everything down ... at least the power button still worked correctly ..  I brought everything back up to limited default setting and scanned the neighbourhood. The nearest place was Dezhurov Terminal, a Coriolis station. I plotted a route and jumped to supercruise. Luckily the defaults seemed not to be corrupted but every single one of my customisations had been seriously screwed.

After docking I booked myself into a port hotel, may as well live it up for a while as I guess it's going to take some serious time to get everything mapped back to how I like it. Not a fan of gravity, I tend to land unload and leave any place with gravity. The only good thing about gravity is getting out of the Remlok Suit and into a real water shower, yes it's expensive having a real water shower, but I seldom find myself in a place with gravity and with the correct pressure to have running water, I'm here so may as well make the most of it. I've had three showers so far! Ok, the first one did the job, but hey, life is short!

I'll pop off to the dock in the morning and start work on getting everything up and running. Note to self, remember to put drinks on the table, stuff does not float where you left it in this place! Very inconvenient.
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