Logbook entry

Petting the CAT and making her purrrrrr

26 Mar 2021Ringo Simpkins
It’s been a wee while I know, but I’ve been a bit busy. I am currently sitting in Al-Khujandi Enterprise in the Muang system, yep off visiting Broo for some bits for the Clear Air Turbulence, I’m awaiting the arrival of the Questionable Ethics as I’ve taken a few contracts that require it’s capabilities.

So a quick recap to bring everything up to date. As you know, my systems got trashed and I limped off to Dezhurov Terminal to work on the Questionable and get her back up and running. Spent a small fortune on some luxuries when couped up there, even got myself a set of nice threads, looking very dapper if I say so myself. At least now the Remlok is not visible all the time.

While at Dezhurov Terminal I did do some useful stuff, apart from fixing the ship, showering a lot and touring the bars! I was poking about in the Universal Cartographics and found a great archive of Constellation Tours. So I have a plan, I think once I gather enough to get the CAT up to par for a bit of exploring I am going to do a tour of the Zodiac. Good to have a plan I feel, “keeps a body moving along” as my old Grandma used to say.

The other notable escapade I’ve been up to has been helping with the medical relief after the recent station bombings. Time to test out the CAT on her maiden voyage. Did each call, gave me an excuse to get a spare power plant and shield generator, not to mention a Type 6, but what the hell I am going to do with that I have no idea, but hey, I am sure it will come in handy.

Made a tidy sum of cash too, got quite a lot of gear for the CAT, she is now quite formidable for a humble freighter. Decked her out in turrets as Anacondas turn like lead bricks, although A rating the thrusters has helped with that. I know it’s not skilful, but I just need time to cool down after an inderdiction and spin up the FSD; turrets at least keep the place lively while that happens. Had a couple of close calls and lost my no claims bonus early on but that’s life space truckin' in the black I guess. As I upgraded and engineered the bits I could, these all go a lot less, thank goodness I A rated life support, had the canopy blown out more times that I care to remember!

So, as I am on my quest to get the CAT fully sorted that I find myself in Muang, need to finish engineering the beams. However I’m out of certain materials, hopefully I can get these bounty hunting. On that note, the port comms just pinged, the Questionable has arrived, time to lock and load .. bounties need hunting .. and that’s what she does best .. catch you all later.
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