Logbook entry

Just beginning

25 Dec 2020Aeellron
It was the end of November when I started out. There was no real goal, other than to get my mind off things and to get out and see what the galaxy had to offer.
From the humble data running in a Sidewinder I grew a taste for bounty hunting in my Eagle, then dubbed HighHawk. My combat proficiency began to climb and my credit balance with it, within a week I was flying a grade A Viper Mk4 and feeling dangerous. As my knowledge grew I set my sights on the Fer de Lance and within another week achieved my goal, this time complete with some engineering. The next week brought a new challenge with a community event in BD+05 1146. Apparently being able to knock pirates down a few pegs pays pretty well when you target the right pirates. A few hundred million credits later and my new ship; the Python. The ultimate goal for the first month was now coming into focus: the Federal Corvette. Another week of data transfers and boom hauling until I was promoted to Rear Admiral.

Now, here I sit, at the helm of my new Corvette, semi-engineered, floating through an asteroid field scraping painite off asteroids to pay back debts for modules procured, my guns still warm from the last pirate who peered too closely at the hefty bounty in my cargo hold. I smile. One month down. I wonder what the next goal should be. I hear there are squadrons looking for capable pilots. I think my month's progress speaks for itself.
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