Logbook entry

A mixed bag of firsts (part 4)

22 Jan 2021Akiya
Akiya private journal, 3306-12-26, entry 4

I sigh with relief at Anonymous accepting to be rescued. One hurdle out of the way, at last. "So I can go see your boss tonight?"

"Oh no. First I have a condition: I do not escape alone. You buy Jodie too. Can you live with that?"

I nod again.

"You're an idiot you know? You shouldn't agree to everything a pretty person asks." They soften the criticism with a smile before continuing. "Then, are you sure you can do that so easiy? You're not just buying two slaves, you're asking for specific ones. My boss is going to milk that for as much as he can. Remember he already poisoned you. And he's just another slave too, anyway."

"You're right. So I should find his boss, go over his head?"

"Maybe. Go with the company management. But remember you're dealing with a slaver corporation. I would be you, I wouldn't do it without someone ensuring you don't disappear."

"I'm an free woman, they wouldn't dare."

"Free people disappear all the time. Case in point, I was born free. Well, if you can call all your money being owed to your parent's boss being free. Are you an Imperial citizen, a noble, or something else with clout with an Imperial corporation?"

I hesitate. I've always considered myself an Imperial, be it slave or citizen. But in the end, despite being under Princess Aisling protection, HIP 116045 is an independant system, now. I don't think I've ever been petitioned. And if I ever was, I've got no trace of it.

"See?" They sense my hesitation. "I'd love you to buy me right now, but... Rather late than never."

I nod. "I don't know how long this is going to take me. I'm bad at all that social stuff."

"Take your time. But you'd better figure it out. Because now that you promised, I'm going to really look forward to it."

They look really sad, suddenly. I take their hand. But can't stop being honest. "Honestly, I can't promise anything. I'm still a beginner pilot, and space is a dangerous place. But as long as Sophie keeps me alive..."

"I hate that you're such a  bad liar... Okay, what now? You still have me for more than twelve hour." They perk up suddenly, all traces of sadness removed, put hands on my knees, and get their face close to mine. "Are you sure you don't want a real first time you can actually remember?"

I can feel my face warming up, but I steel myself and shake my head. "Why are you so intent on that?"

"Because I like you? At least a little bit? Or because I want to be sure you remember me? But you're right, you should wait for someone you can trust."

"When I'll free you, we can do it, if you still want. It's hard enough for me to tell you no today... Or you can tell me no honestly, that you didn't really like me. At least I'll have some closure... So, what about you? I can excuse you from your job for how long I can pay for you, what do you want to do?"

"Me? Sleep. Grab a bit to eat later. You should too, I don't think XO-induced sleep is very resting. Can we just stay here?"

"Yes, take the bed, I'll get a cot for me."

"The slave on the bed and the customer on the floor?"

"The guest on the bed. The floor through a cot doesn't feel so bad in low-g. I used to sleep like that as a kid, and still sleep in the back of the cockpit sometimes."

"Okay, but you stay here. I don't know the place, and I don't like sleeping alone... Come on, we can spoon on the bed, I'm not going to do anything." They size me up. "You'll be the big spoon anyway, you're too tall."

I want to object, but I am indeed tired and accept. But I'm not sleeping in this dress. I rummage in my closet, and pull out two pyjamas. Then hesitate a second before disrobing in front of Anonymous. But weren't we naked in a jacuzzi a couple hours ago? Plus I might have shown much more embarassing parts of myself yesterday.

Ano falls asleep almost immediately, their back nested against me. I did long for that kind of human heat, I can't even understand why I wanted to object. I listen to their breath while making plans in my head. What can get me most contacts? Sightseeing tours for Imperial citizens? Could I fit a cabin in Sophie's hold? But I soon realise I'm tired too, and there are worse places to be than safely tucked inside Sophie, between a bulkhead and Ano. Their hair smells good. I relax and let myself fall asleep.


Hunger wakes me up. Anonymous is still asleep, moves a bit when I get out of bed over them, but does not wake up. I pull out a couple of flash frozen meals, some condiment, and start cooking us some kind of breakfast and lunch combination.

"Hmm, hey Jodie, something smells good... Oh, Commander Akiya, sorry, I was half asleep." Anonymous wakes up. They sit on the bed and rub their eyes.

"You and Jodie?" I ask.

"We're..." a slight hesitation. "Roommates."

"You can tell me the truth."

"You saw that? You're not as helpless as you think."

"Or you're still half-asleep. But I do see things. It's more that I never know what to say, or how to say it."

And with that, they dodged the question. Well, whatever, I promised anyway. I might be headed for a heartbreak, but I'll keep my word.

We chat a little while we eat. I learn that Ano is from Rhea 3, a Federation terraformed Earth-like. They were poor, and stole a ticket to Imperial space, aiming to become a singer and musician there.

"Yes, I've been naive too. Saw those news of entertainment stars mingling with nobles, and I thought, why not me? Found myself a shady manager, who is why I know one shouldn't rush for their first time by the way. Combination of macho seeing me just as a submissive woman, and manager thinking of me like a product to sell and not a real human artist, that's a waste around bed and dates. And so, it got nowhere, and I had to strike out on my own. By then I had become less naive and more pro, and with a couple of independant musicians, we began to get a little traction."

"But?" I don't see how that got them here.

"By that time, I was in a mountain of debt. And it's difficult to build a fanbase and stay hidden at the same time. So, one day, some muscle come through the studio door, and tell me that I have the choice between letting some angry powerful people decide my fate, or voluntarily signing to be owned by a corporation they worked with, but that they would pay my debts and protect me in exchange. Not really a choice, actually. So here I am."

Sometimes I wonder, if we'd remained under Denton Patreus' terms, would have I gotten the courage to flee? Probably not. They might have been ill-advised and naive, but they did try. I find that admirable. And I want to hear them sing, now. Shit, am I crushing even harder? How can someone I barely know, and I have so little in common with, of a gender I'm not even usually attracted to, push so many of my buttons? At least, Sri was working with me, and some kind of geek in her own way, we had a lot of things in common. And Violet, her spouse, was always nice with me, I could not get angry at her, she did not try to poison me. This is not going to end well.

Of course it's not going to end well, you idiot. What would be that silly storyline, with the slave falling in love with how kind their mistress is? Some kind of Imperial mid-afternoon show? Except they have sex in the end, usually, not at the start. And the slave is usually a muscular macho man, although I suppose some versions made for lesbian or pan people exist somewhere.

"You're staring! And no need to be so somber. It's all in the past now." Ano interrupts my train of thoughts. "Or nearly all. And you're going to help with the remains."



"Time to go back to work."

"Yes. You know, I could reserve you for another day, if you want..."

"But that would just delay the inevitable. I need to get out of here so you can have the lock removed, and find someone to help you with my case."

I nod silently.

"Can I hug you?"

Another nod. And then I'm in their arms. After some hesitation, I even find the will to hug them back. It feels good.

"Be safe out there."

"You too in here."

"I mean it. Just message me if you can't come back in the end. Don't let me hanging. But keep safe. I'm not worth your life."

Shit! She's sounding so sad now! I'm going to cry.

"And now," they continue, in a much clearer voice, as we end the hug and I wipe my eyes, "you're wondering if I really, really mean it, of if I'm using some reverse psychology trick to motivate you, don't you? Not gonna tell!"

And they descend the ramp and leave the hangar, with a last wave and a big smile, her dress flowing with the low gravity. In my imagination, that smile hides some tears, but I know better than to trust it. But maybe I should let myself cry a bit, getting it out of my system before I can fly properly.

A beep from the cockpit sounds in the ship intercom. "Launch authorized."

Or not. Flying Sophie might be the best thing to do for my sanity right now. Let's call the map and find a good Imperial tourism spot.

OOC: Thanks for continuing to read that story! This arc ends here, but hopefully, this is not the last time we hear about Anonymous and Jodie. Akiya is a woman of her words. As always, please don't hesitate to reach out with comments or to point my English or lore mistakes. I know English is not my native language, so I won't get mad. And I'm always eager for suggestions to augment my roleplay or give me new in-game objectives.

Little in-game content in that one (again!), as for the whole of this arc, it's mostly dialog and background, I'm afraid. Hope it's still fun to read.

As always too, if your commander wants to meet Akiya in-game, don't hesitate to send her a friend/wing/group request! She should be flying on week-end and holiday nights and rainy days, GMT+1, real-life permitting. You can contact her in Standard Galactic English or old pre-spacefaring French.
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