Logbook entry

Contact With Todd "The Blaster" Mcquinn

09 Jan 2021Anthony Reeves
After a bit of traveling, I managed to make contact with Todd "The Blaster" Mcquinn. After a bit of waiting at a nearby settlement for my Vulture to be delivered, I flew over to his camp and had my multi cannon modified. The process is a bit complicated for me right now, but I figure I can have it all worked out, and eventually my ship will be fully outfitted. I'll be temporarily leaving my ship on that planet so I can fly to meet with another engineer and have it delivered back to Gliese 868. So for right now, my Vulture's gonna be sitting deep within Alliance territory. Not sure how I feel about that, but I believe it's in good hands for now. Before I chose to work for the Federation, the Alliance was my next best choice, followed later by Li Yong Rui. Either way, I should be set after meeting with this next engineer. I'll finally be able to do some good exploration and possibly venture outside the bubble! Probably sounds pitiful to veteran explorers out there, but I am very excited about this.
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