Logbook entry

A Quick Update

11 Apr 2021Anthony Reeves
I suppose I'm long overdue for a new logbook entry. It's been a few months since I've sent out my last one, and a lot's changed since. For starters, I no longer own that Asp Explorer I mentioned in the last log. That ship was quickly sold after I ended up buying both a Diamondback Explorer and an Anaconda after many days of hard work. Recently, I also took up mining, and I'm considering moving outside of the bubble. See? I told you a lot's changed. Anyway, first things first. I dropped out of direct connection with the federation navy. I had an incredible time among the community there, and I still have contact information with some of the more prominent people there, but I'm not directly working with them anymore. Despite my experience, really most of what I did was slow them down, and it wasn't working out well in terms of funds. Regardless, I continue to support the Federation, and I will in the future. In other news, I have recently procured an Anaconda, which I will eventually consider to be one of my biggest milestones in my career. With its help, I'll be attempting to gain ranks in the Federation Navy until I am able to purchase the Corvette, which I've heard from my peers to be one of the best combat vessels at my disposal. Of course, this will require tremendous effort, and while I do perfer the title of Lieutenant, I suppose Admiral isn't so bad. Regardless, that is my plan for the future. Thanks to the Python I bought as well, the funds from mining platinum should hold me over nicely until I'm within range of the Corvette. Anyway, I should be set for a while, and I'll focus on my main goals of perfecting my Vulture, boosting my Anaconda's jump range, and procuring that Corvette. See you out there commanders.
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