Jan 01 3309 EIC Monthly Status Report
01 Jan 2023Dante Ragnarson
EIC Monthly Status ReportJan 01 3309
Futen Spaceport, Fujin
Intel Report: Officer Dante Ragnarson, EIC Trader & Logistics Korps
Attention: Commander Icarus Smith, EIC Headquarters Harvestport, Kappa Fornacis
Dear Sir,
It is with great pleasure that I provide you with an overview of our most recent Operations. While I am sure you have received reports from Fleet Arm and OpSec, I will provide you with a detailed report on our Logistical situation and a more generalised overview of Operations from the perspective of the EIC Trader & Logistics Korps.
EIC Traders moved a total throughout the calendar year of-
16900 Imperial tons of specialised Engineering materials
Over 4 Billion Imperial tons of commodities
Asset Improvements in 3308-
13 new FCs of various designations have been added
3 new Traders, with a total of 21 active EIC Traders
44 new Pilots
Total roster of 321 pilots inc Fleet Arm, OpSec & Trade & Logistic Korps
In line with the new OD policy from the Imperial, Federation and Alliance allowing corporations to take control of land based assets, EIC expanded into well over 1000 new groundsites
Dozens of new Space Assets
Special Operation sELFless
This operation focused upon providing new CMDRs with engineering mats at no cost. In line with the difficult year the CMDR base has had after the OD Announcements by the Pilot's Federation, it was decided by EIC Command that all fees would be waived for commanders seeking engineering mats during December 3308. This was put to a full vote of the Board and was unanimously passed. As at December 31 midnight earth Central time, the EIC Trade & Logistic Korps had provided 3233 Imperial tons of engineering mats to Pilot's Federation members.
Operations 3308- Mission Status
Operation Fujin Tea Party Success, Fujin captured, Imperial Decree of Ownership vested in EIC in the best interests of ‘stability’ of engineering supplies
Operation Picaurukan Success
Operation Metropolis Success, 2.2 Billion Pop Capture
Operation Rising Sun Success, catalog and capture ground Assets
Operation Swift Retreat Success, force retreat of enemy faction
Special Operation sELFless Success, 3233 tons
Thargoid Invasion
I wish to commend Fleet Arm for the action they have taken in training pilots to be ready for combat. I can state that bothe Fleet Arm and Logistics pilots have flown thousands of missions to rescue trapped civilians and a record number have contributed to AX combats in several Maelstroms. The decision to post all of the Mission Targets from these bodies in EIC Objectives, gives those of us who have family elsewhere in the Bubble hope that for once mankind can stand together. I wish to salute the decision to follow the Imperial Council, POES and AXI in providing a unified approach to this danger.
Pilots of note in 3308-
As my final note I wish to bring to your attention several of our new Traders who have made a significant impact on the success of the EIC Trade & Logistic Korps in 3308. The ascension of CMDRs Neo Razor, Ingeel Prime and Irene T demonstrate the success of the Imperial model. It is with new members such as these that EIC as a whole becomes stronger.
Yours in Brotherhood
God Bless The Emperor
God Bless Humanity
Officer Dante Ragnarson, EIC Trader & Logistics Korps