Logbook entry

Record Keeping

14 Apr 2021Ninny
This entry will not be closed. I think it shall forever be a open document, the title of "finished" is just so others may view it, as it will be used to track my efforts in the elimination of piracy in the Zeaex system, and eventually others as I move out into our system. Each battle will be logged, with the total kills and bounties earned, vs damages payed and combatants faced. This does not count towards my regular logs, and I should be heckled into making an official one soon. 07

*Estimated Past Pirate Kills: ~400

Kills: 24

Battle 1: 3 Kills, +680,450 Credits earned. -112 Fuel -55,197 repairs, -1,997 ammo
Battle 2: INFO LOST
Battle 3: Ship destroyed....3,851,552CR down the drain
Battle 4: 2 Kills, bounty ~+300k, repairs -62,577, fuel -16, ammo -1,875
Interdicted: 1 Kill, bounty ~26,297, No repairs, fuel and ammo costs combined with "Battle 4"
Mission finished: +4,929,085
Failed to update 4 battles, chopping it up to 10 total kills net 0 CR for the most part
Wing battles: 7 total kills, ship lost once.
Wing battle: 1 kill
solo battle: 1 kill
Estimated 100 kills over a three day period. Pardon my tardiness on updates, war takes up a lot of time and motivation.

*Past kills were calculated by total gross earnings before purchasing my Mamba, Executioner's Blade and are not exact, or even well calculated. This number is merely a note of what was before the start of my record keeping.
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