Logbook entry

Personal Log 3307/2-1

17 Feb 2021Fallharbor
*tap tap tap* I hope this thing is on...

*clears throat* Personal log February 3307 Entry 1...

I'd forgotten this existed on the suit. Thought I might as well keep track of some things. It's been a strange few weeks since I got my license from the Pilot's Federation along with the Sidewinder.

Commander Fallharbor... has a nice ring to it now that I think of it.

Well, I immediately set out to start making some credits so I could upgrade the ship or just buy a new one. I didn't realize credits would be easy to come by but I guess that's the beauty of being part of the Pilot's Federation. I had started taking various courier jobs and worked up to reclaiming black boxes for various factions around the system. Simple stuff just to get use to the flying the ship. I quickly made enough to buy an Imperial Eagle. I unknowingly had made friends with the Empire salvaging those black boxes for them.

It was with the Eagle when it first happened...I was out salvaging another black box when suddenly someone jumped out of supercruise nearby. They scanned me and and demanded the box. I wasn't going to give it up, the client had warned me someone might come for it but the pay was too good. The other ship began shooting as soon as I began prepping the ship to jump.

The computer began to warn me, the shields were low.
The shields were offline.
The alarms blared.
Everything went offline and then...I blinked.

I blinked and I was back at the station I had just left. Back in the ship's cockpit, like nothing had happened. Well nothing except I noticed the black box was missing and the computer notified me the transaction for the black box was void. I'm not sure how I had survived...the federation mentioned the Remlock suit would save me when needed but this seems...strange. I shook off the strange feeling I had and continued on.

I gave myself a new purpose. I bought the Cobra MKIII and began taking bounty hunting jobs. Combat was exhilarating. I felt I was doing well. I learned how to move the ship better and flew like I never had flown before.

And then...it happened again...and again...I blink and return. Blink and return...I'm not sure how the suit was doing it but...It felt strange....It felt strange that I felt nothing.

One moment adrenaline and fear and the next; safe in the station.

I met some commanders during this time and decided to join their squadron. They're a helpful bunch. Alchemy Den they call themselves. Have control of quite a few systems. They advised me to try engineering the modules of my ship. It'd help stop getting me...blinked? That's all I can call it for now. I remembered receiving a transmission from a so called Felicity Farseer. She said she could help with some modules but wanted a Meta-alloy in return.

So I set off in search. I'd heard they existed out in the Coalsack region and there I met a new friend. CMDR DonKioti. He helped me find them and taught me a bunch of new tricks over the comms. We talked over long range transmission. We met in person, ship to ship, back at Deciat and he escorted me to Farseer. He'd mentioned that it was a dangerous system. He was right.

10KM away from Farseer's facility it happened again. Some unknown ship decided to use me as target practice. The usual happened.

Shields low.
Shields Down.
Alarm blaring.

This time though...something happened in between the blink...I stood in front of a mirror. My face was similar but...there was something different. My ears were pointed at the tips. My eyes were different. I looked like the cross of some mythical creature of old and a human. And then I was back in the ship. I felt my ears and they were round. I looked in the mirror and still had my regular along with the cybernetic one. I took a deep breath and sat at the helm and noticed that instead of the last Station I docked at, I was in Farseer's hangar.

Don hailed me and asked if I was ok. I said yes. I didn't mention the rest. I'd probably sound crazy....

From then on I made sure not to get Blinked anymore. I engineered some modules and set out to fly better. I became a decent pilot. Ranked up to Expert in combat with the Pilot's Federation and was able to afford a new ship.

I bought the Krait MKI with a Fighter Hangar and hired a new crew member. Jennifer Dixon, she said she was born to fly and that's all she wanted to do. I gave her a trial run and was impressed. It was a few weeks of bounty hunting for us. Improving the Krait enough to our liking. We flew with Don and with some members of Alchemy Den. And then we decided to take a break.
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