Logbook entry

Personal Log 3307/2-2

24 Feb 2021Fallharbor
*tap tap tap*

*clears throat*

P-personal log February 33-- 3307 Entry 2...I...We....

*staggered breathing*

Commander, you need more rest. There's nothing here. Please

Jennifer...I-I'm fine. Really. I'll just

*deep breath. clears throat*

Personal Log...February 3307 Entry 2

We had decided to take a break from the constant fighting. We jumped away from 59 Virginis started exploring some of the other systems....It's always a surprise to jump into system with a white dwarf. It just appears there in a blazing flash and the terrifying cones look like they're reaching out to get you. As I looked through the computer for the next system a new signal appeared. It was a generation ship. The Atlas I believe it was called. We hailed it but received no response so we decided it was best to check it out. Those ships are old so maybe they needed some help.

As we jumped out of supercruise, we knew right away we were far too late. We scanned it for any logs and learned of it's passengers fate. The Chief Engineer had found out they were unable to stop the ship. The evacuation was successful but someone had to stay behind to make sure it did. It was a sad set of logs. The engineer had a wife who was with child. He was the one who stayed behind. The ship won't be leaving Charick anytime soon. The engines go on but the star is holding it.

A few hours later we found ourselves in Nefertem. The ship picked up another generation ship. Jennifer said to let it be but I was curious. Was it still functionaal or would we find another story? She rolled her eyes and shrugged as she walked back to her room. I flew the ship into proximity of the Thetis. That's what it was called. It drifted there locked in orbit of a moon. Something here felt strange...different...

I scanned the ship for it's logs and parked the ship a few meters away and started the recordings.

It was horrible...One of the comms officers had received reports of people hearing whispers. She figured out they were coming form the comms system somehow. It was a stange signal they had picked up from an uninhabited planet some 15ly away...She had...mistakenly broadcast the signal. But by the end of the logs I don't believe it was a mistake. She said the signal only repeated the words "Kill them all". Her last report said everyone had killed each other on the ship and they were a few survivors. She had to silence them...The last log I believe was the actual signal. It...it did sound like it repeated "Kill them all"! I continued to try listen to it...to try to make out anything else. Jennifer said she found me in the seat not listening to anything. But I hear it...Something's there....

Nothing's there commander.
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︎2 Shiny!
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