Logbook entry

Personal Log 3307/2-3

25 Feb 2021Fallharbor
*tap tap tap*

*clears throat*

Personal Log February 3307 Entry 3

We came across a third generation ship not long after the Thetis. This one was the Venusian in the Kitae system. It was drifting in space some 2500ly from the star. We found it as we were running from various wings of pirates in the system.

Abandoned as well though this one looked more damaged. There was a hole in the hull as if someone were blasting their way in. The logs confirmed we were right. Someone in the ship had made some sort of deal with pirates and sold the whole ship to slavers. Jennifer seemed very angered by this. She said she wasn't but her clenched fists while we listened said different...We left the area before those piirates returned.

We jumped into the Nervir system upon Jennifer's request. She said there was a memorial there for Kenneth Crowther, some engineer who helped humanity reach the stars. After my persistance in chasing these generation ships I happily agreed to go. She seemed happy and I think she may have even smiled--

I did not smile...

We reached the memorial and took a look around. I let Jennifer have her fun exploring the abandoned settlement as I picked up some of the scrap lying around. We left Freya keep an eye on the ship-

You did what?! Freya is a CAT! She can't keep an eye on the-

*quick steps. door closes. light chuckle*

Obviously I left the AI in charge but Freya is smarter than she looks. We stopped by the nearby station and headed out.

In Alaunus we picked up quite a few signals. The computer pointed us towards two Stellar Phenomena and at the bottom of the list was another generation ship, the Lycaon...

The stellar phenomena turned out to be very strange metallic clusters floating in space. More interesting, floating in this Proto-Lagrange Cloud , was a small shining object. The computer noted it was some sort of high energy phenomenon. Jennifer thought it best to not get to close but I...well...my curiosity got the best of me again. As the ship drifted closer, the computers suddenly began to fritz. For a moment I couldn't control the ship and everything went bright. In that brightness I saw it again...well...I saw me again, looking in a mirror. The pointed ears, the strange eyes and suddenly a whisper...Kill Them All...Then black.

I came to on my bed with Freya purring on my chest. I pet her for a while and then followed her back to the bridge. The ship was in supercruise but no one was at the helm. I panicked for a moment...The whisper...I couldn't have....And then Jennifer's voice came from behind making me jump. She said I had passed out but that the ship was fine and to never do that again. I made no promises as I set a course for the generation ship.

The Lycaon...another sad ending. One of the ship's physicians spoke of a contagion the ship was infected with. They had believed it was influenza but it was a contagion picked up on a stray asteroid...Something to be careful of...The physician was the last one left...
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︎1 Shiny!
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