Logbook entry

Peronal Log 3307/3-1

03 Mar 2021Fallharbor
*scratch scratch*

*clears throat*

Personal Log March 3307 Entry 1...

After reading the Lycaon's fate we took a short break and parked the Krait while we decided where to go next. It wasn't too long though before Galnet informed us of an opportunity we couldn't pass. The Galactic Summit was starting out in Sirius and Sirius Corp. along with the Federation was calling for help from any interested pilots. So we booked it back and took out any pirates along the way.

We landed on the Spirit of Laelaps to sign up for the defense force and headed out. There were so many Pirates near the Spirit. The pirates would not attack unless provoked it seemed but they would all follow us in search of any cargo. Jennifer headed out on the Taipan while I flew the Krait, the usual. Though these ships definitely had some engineering done we were able to take some out before another CMDR appeared. They didn't like us attacking the pirates as they yelled "Yar you be killing my brethren!" or something like that. They were much more a threat thanthe pirates and so we had to run. Thankfully we encountered two some other CMDRs that were on our side. We winged up with them and started taking out more pirates quicker. The Bounties were great! After a few hours of bounty hunting we recieved a call from a friend. CMDR Austreelis! She told us to head to system for some fun. I thought we all needed a break so-

I didn't need a break...

Ha. Well I needed a break. So we bade farewell to our new friends and headed out to Upaniklis. Austeelis boarded along the way. It was nice to see her again. She's always been very helpful and fun wing mate but this was the first time she was onboard!

Once there she led me to Forester's Choice, a civilian outpost. Once we were close enough I saw the surprise! The Golconda, a generation ship, lived right next to the outpost! It was still operational as well which was a relief after finding so many that had an awful end. The Golconda's logged told a story of them deciding whether to send out a distress call but they did. Which someone must've found and led them here to help. The outpost also has an agricultural installation right next it where we had a little fun flying around through it. Surprisingly the system cops didn't care.

It was a nice time with Austreelis and Jennifer.

The agricultural domes were pretty...

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