Logbook entry

Personal Log 3307/4-2

05 Mar 2021Fallharbor
*tap tap*

Personal Log March 3307 Entry 2

Not much report this time...We stayed around Upaniklis for the night and headed back to Sirius. This time though we Jennifer thought it might be best to patrol some of the outside systems. The intent was that we might be able to catch pirates on their way to Sirius. We took to the rings of a planet in Luyten's Star system and went to work. It seems we weren't the only ones with that idea as we teamed up with some other CMDRs doing the same.

The Summit is another 2 weeks long. I'm sure we can stick nearby to keep making some decent money....There's something else though..

*steps can be heard and a door opens*


*there is silence except for the hum of the ship itself before the door closes*


I've...I've been having this strange feeling. Something calling me out to the black. I haven't had any of those dreamd recently but...I definitely feel out of place. I can't...I can't remember my-

*a knock is heard on the door*

Commander? You need something?

Oh, Jennifer! It's nothing I just couldn't find Freya but she's here...

*there is silence for a moment as the slight jingle of Freya's collar can be heard from outside the room*

Right...ok commander. I'll prep the ship to head back to the Spirit.

Sure thing, Jennifer!

*the report ends*
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︎2 Shiny!
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