Logbook entry

Out in the black

11 Apr 2022Fallharbor
It's been about a week since we left Misir. Though reluctant at first, Aurelia was more at ease once she saw that we were in the company of not one but two Titan Contractors Fleet Carriers. The research teams were eager and security teams were happy for the rest. Knowing we were leaving the bubble meant that Amara attacking us with her gang was a lot less likely. However, Jenn made sure everyone was prepared for any attack. At each check point, while the research teams were off, Jenn would take out the pilots and run drills for a few hours. Meanwhile, I decided I'd join in on the exploration side of the trip. Aurelia and Jenn didn't think it wise I should be out there alone but...Freyja was going to be with me and I assured them I'd make it back before jumping to the next checkpoint. And if I missed it, la Jornada had a fuel scoop so I'd make it back.

I'd never been so far outside the bubble, nor had I ever really used this genetic sampler much. Life out in the black is sparse, and strange, and beautiful. The sights, the stars, it's all overwhelming yet freeing. Out here, the politics of the bubble were meaningless. Out here it was just you and the stars.

I'd been gone for a couple days. Detoured towards the Cat's Paw Nebula just for Freyja. Silly, I know, but it was for both of us. We rendezvoused with the carrier out in Rohini. It was quite the trip and one that didn't sit well with crew. I took my helmet off in the hangar lift and was greeted by the glaring eyes of Aurelia.

"Officer England, good to see you again" I smiled and stepped out of the hangar. She barred my path with her body. Freyja snuck between her legs towards the concourse.

"Vidal," she said through gritted teeth, "You left for three days...THREE DAYS. You didn't even send a message. We thought the worst and were about to send a rescue party. Except your ships beacon was no where to be found!"

"Ah, yeah. I had a bit of a spat with a binary system. Fried the comms and few other modules. I only had enough supplies to keep the FSD running so I could get back. Adriana already has some of her crew fixing it up." I patted her shoulders with a smile and gently moved her aside to make my way down the hall. She followed.

"Vida-" she started but stopped as we stepped through the doors into the concourse filled with residents and crew. "Commander, I must reiterate. I strongly think it unwise for you to be gone from the carrier for so long and it would out everyone on the carrier at ease. Especially during this trip." She spoke in a low whisper as she followed me through the halls. I greeted crew and residents a like making my way to the lounge.

"Everyone? Or just you Officer England?" I said before leaning on the bar and smiling at the bartender. "Two bourbons please, Kiera, and make Officer England's a double."

"Right away, commander" Kiera chuckled and served the drinks.

"Commander Fallharbor, I really must insist-" Aurelia began before I took her tablet and exchanged it with the glass of bourbon. "Now is not the-" I tap her glass with mine and nod for her to follow me over to the windows. The carrier was parked near Eudaemon Anchorage and you could see the ringed planet it orbited from lounge's windows. I took a sip of the bourbon and sighed before looking to Aurelia next to me. She hadn't taken a drink and was extremely tense.

"Aurelia, I'm sorry. I know you didn't really want to come back out here and my absence after everything you've all been through is probably worrying. Please understand that is not my intent. I just...I'm not used to having all this responsibility and this is my first time away from the bubble. The sights out there are...I just can't stay on the carrier the whole time Aurelia..."

She looks to me with furrowed brows before taking a long chug of the drink, after which she relaxes a little. "You're just like your parents...Neither stayed much on the carrier. Your mother, although technically the captain, constantly ran drills with security and even fought off attacks. Your father constantly out on excursions instead of researching in the lab. I was left with everything on the carrier...Having to take care of the crew and the residents' concerns. I just can't do that again...not alone..."

"That's...understandable." I finished my drink and began to head to the Command deck with Aurelia in tow. The doors to the ready room opened and to my surprise Jenn laid on the couch with Feyja on her chest. Jenn looked over to me and nodded a greeting continuing to pet Freyja. I walked over to the desk and sat. Aurelia stood across from me frustrated. "Aurelia, please. Sit down." She sighed and sat. "I can't promise I'll stay on the carrier more often, but what I can promise is I'll help with all this admin stuff while I'm here. At least, I'll help as much I can." Jenn lightly chuckled from the couch.

Aurelia's expression continued unchanged as she swiped through her tablet for a moment before showing it to me. "There's been some unrest between some of the residents. Mainly, people have been feeling uneasy around the Far God refugees. There's even been some fights that security and Jenn have had to break up." Jenn hummed in agreement from the couch.
"The leader of the group, a Martin Velasquez, has requested a meeting with the leader of carrier. When Jenn and I appeared before them, they denied to talk to us asking specifically for the one who led us to safety."

"Hm...very well...Let's go talk to them." Aurelia took back the tablet and swiped a bit before turning it over to show me a long list, "These are all the other administrative tasks I have. I think you can handle Velasquez on your own." She said before leaving the room. I sat back on the chair and sighed.

"What about you Jenn. You wanna come along?"

Jennifer nuzzled Freyja before putting her on the cat tower. "I've got drills to run" she said walking out of the room.


Freyja stared and with a soft mew curled in a ball.

"Alright then..." I looked up where Velasquez was located on the desk's tablet and headed out.
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︎9 Shiny!
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