Logbook entry

First Herald of the One Hundred and Fifth Chapter

26 Apr 2022Fallharbor
Martin Velasquez, or First Herald of the 105th Chapter as they like to be called, was not who I expected. Other than the name and structure of the group they don't share the strange qualities of the other Far God cults I read about. Though, the media does tend to exaggerate news. It's possible all the cultists were just regular people with a faith no different than others... Either way I walked down to the residential area the Order had taken up. The closer I got to it the more Far God symbols appeared on the walls and doors. There were a few fights I had to break up on the way there. With the recent news of Thargoid attacks rising back in the bubble, the people were agitated and in their eyes, who better to lash out at but the Thargoid lovers. I remind them of the Carrier's original mission, my father's mission, to not only look for new ways to fight the Thargoids but learn about them.

I continued, asking the cultists not in prayer for Martin and eventually was led to a massive room at the bow of the carrier. The front facing wall one big window in the stars and before an altar with what looked like a broken Thargoid probe. The room was filled with robed people facing the windows and whispering prayers. At the altar stood one robed figured facing the window.

"Ahem, Martin? Martin Velasquez?" I asked walking up to the figure. They turned to face me and their long hair draped their shoulders as they removed their hood. With a soft smile and kind eyes they nodded.

"Yes. But I ask kindly that you call me First Herald in these halls. You must be Commander Fallharbor."

"That would be me, First Herald. I was told you wanted to talk." Martin smiled and nodded while motioning me to join them at the window. I walked up and stood next to them.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Martin pointed out the window. We had just jumped into a system very near a black hole. The stars twisted and turned as we orbited. "All this time and we've yet to learn much about all of it. Instead we fight amongst ourselves. We fight others trying to persevere. We fight and slow our learning."

I looked out listening to Martin speak, unsure if this was the beginning of some recruiting speech or not but I was going to be polite. They were the victims right now. Martin turned to me and cupped my cheek with their hand. Their eyes shown bright like stars. Their pupils shaped like flower petals. "You look just like him."

"Like who?"

"Polus" Martin said with a longing. "A very kind man." They removed their hand and stared out the window again.

"I wasn't aware you knew my father, First Herald."

"Not many are, commander. We kept it that way to keep xenophobic hands out of our research. However, we lost contact for some years until thankfully, the carrier was in range when we ran."

"The holy war?"

"Hm. 'Holy' The church and much of the bubble came after all of us. So we ran into deep space and found refuge here. We owe a great deal to your parents for helping the Order make a home here. And I hope we can continue to do so" Martin turned to me with those final words almost pleading.

"Well, if my father welcomed you than so do I." With that Martin's eyes lit up, figuratively and literally. They placed their arms on my shoulders and smiled.

"I'm so very happy to hear that, child." They pat my shoulders and turn back towards the window. A familiar dark cloud appears. Lightening blooms trhough out and the usually colors of Witch-space return. The people praying grow louder. "Witch-space is scared to us. As scared as the void of space. We pray for the Far God's return to bring us peace and enlightenment." Martin says as if in reply to my curious expression. "Your father and I wanted to learn more about the Thargoids. Find ways to communicate. I hope with you, we can also continue to do that."

"Ah, well. That request might be more difficult. You know how little the Order is liked around here and I'm not sure we have any Thargoid friendly scientists on board."

A smirk curled on Martin's face turning their soft features sharp. "Ah, but we do, commander. You've seen the small spaces we have to ourselves on your way here."

"Yes, I can actually get you more residenti-"

"No, commander. Living space is not what we are requesting. We want a lab. An area to continue or research. As well as access to research vessels. We'd like to partake in the carrier's current mission alongside our own." Martin's eyes shone bright as the carrier exits Witch-space in orbit of binary neutron stars.

I stood there for a moment looking in awe at the stars and calculating how I could give Martin what they want. I wasn't sure Aurelia or the crew would like it but...it might be way to continue my father's research. I also never had issue with Thargoids...they seemed to have motives for their attacks and we always looked like the aggressors. Of course I'd never say that out loud....

"I'll talk to Officer Aurelia and work out a lab. As for the ships...I can maybe spare one or two or my own but the order would need to bring in some credits to begin affording their own."

Martin turned and smiled with a nod. "We would be most gracious. If I could ask for one more request." I tilted my head curiously. "I ask that you join us, Vidal. As your father did."
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