Logbook entry

Requests Granted To New and Old Friends

30 Apr 2022Fallharbor
22 APR 3308

My eyes grew wide, "My father...was a cultist?"

Martin smiled, "Mi hije, we're not a cult. We are nothing more than believers in something bigger. Something that comes for us all. Something we yearn to understand."

I was still shocked in place at the thought that my father might have been part of what everyone believed to be a cult. I wasn't sure it really wasn't but I didn't recall any of The Far God cults wanting to research. Rather all I read was they prayed for the end. This chapter seemed to want to learn. Still I wasn't about to officially join them and upset whatever order we had on the carrier. I looked up to Martin's face offering a kind smile. "I...I'm not sure that's for the best at the moment but I like I said, I'll get you all access to a lab and some ships."

Martin cupped face again and gently caressed the cybernetics, their hand cold as steel. They nodded and smiled, "Está bien. Take your time and we thank you for your help."

I made my way out of that room, the lightening of Witch-space casting and eerie glow as the others prayed. I practiced what I'd say to Aurelia on my way back to the command deck but couldn't come up with anything before I got there. The moment I stepped out of the lift I fell to my knees as the left side of my head pulsed in immense pain accompanied by a piercing ring in my left ear until everything went black.

24 APR 3308

I awoke in the med-bay to Freyja's purring on my chest. Jenn stood at the window facing out to space and Aurelia was asleep at my side.

"Wh-what happened" I managed to say as loud as I could. Aurelia startled awake and Jenn walked over to the bed.

"We were hoping you'd tell us" Jenn replied.

"The doctors all said you're perfectly fine. Navigator Henly was on deck and reported that you walked in and just passed out." Aurelia added as she stood up and composed herself.

"I...I remember just feeling a lot of pain and hearing a loud ring" I replied rubbing the left side of my head.

"We had the doctor and tech check your cybernetic eye and connections but everything came back clear." Jenn said as she walked around the bed and looked at my left eye. "Visually looks fine as well."

"It...felt like a horrible migraine." I replied as I sat up.

"Well for now just rest. We're about to reach Colonia." Jenn said as she pushed me back to lay down.

I held her hand and sat back up, "I'm fine now really. Plus I had something I need to talk to you both about regarding the The Far God refugees."

Aurelia raised both brows, "You spoke to Martin?"

I nodded, "I did. And-"

"Well let's talk about it in the ready room. I'll go ahead and prepare for the final jumped into Deriso. Take your time" Aurelia interjected looking around suspiciously. She gathered her things and walked out.

"I'll see you there" Jenn said and followed her out. Freyja meowed at me and did the same.

Ready Room

"They want what!?" Aurelia exclaimed with furrowed brows and startled a napping Freyja on her tower. "Why would they even think we'd give them a lab let alone any ships?" Jenn just observed curiously.

"I'm not sure it's a bad idea Aurelia. If the rest of the carrier sees the group pulling their weight maybe it'll settle some of these altercations. I had to stop fights while there. The refugees didn't fight back when attacked."

Aurelia sighed and sat in thought. Jenn continued silently observing us. I looked between the both of them waiting for an answer. "I can offer them some of my ships for their excursions. I just need to know if there are any labs available" I continued. Aurelia gave me a stern look and shook her head before picking up her tablet. She swiped and tapped for a bit before responding. "There are some labs they aren't full but I'm not sure Dr. Lane would like having cultists in any of her labs..."

"Refugees. Let's start calling them refugees. Cultists make them sound like some evil group which I'm not sure they are."

Jenn rolled her eyes as Aurelia continued, "Fine. I don't think Dr. Lane would like having refugee strangers in any of her labs..."

"What about my father's lab? Is that in use?" Aurelia froze as I asked. She shook her head, "No, it's...I locked it down after your parent's death. No one has been in there since..."

"I appreciate your respect to them but if it's not being used then lets give them that."

"I..." Aurelia began but stopped with a sigh and nodded. "Very well" she said then tapped and swiped at her tablet. "You have the key now, do with it what you like" she said as a notification popped on mine.

"Thank you, Aurelia" I said as she walked out of the room. Jenn leaned over on the desk and locked eyes with mine. "Are you sure this is a good idea, Vidal? Thargoid lovers, conducting who knows what research for who knows what purpose?"

"I will keep an eye on them. My parents let them on this ship so I'll continue being their ward for now. Hopefully, everyone-" I said locking eyes back with her "-everyone can learn to accept them as part of the carrier once they start contributing." Jenn stared at me for a while before nodded and lightly tapped the desk. "Alright, Vidal." She pet and nuzzled Freyja who had laid on the desk at this point, before getting up and leaving. The klaxxon blared as we exited Witch-space and orbited an ice moon. I transferred my father's lab key to my personal suit computer and headed out. While on the lift I decided to check in on TCON's whereabouts and happenings. It looked like the Solaris had arrived a day before us and the Monty was on it's way. Their Internal Affairs news channel reported of some strange signal causing psychological disturbances but were unable to track it. Must be the same thing Lily and I were looking into before... The latest bulletin celebrated the success of TRIPOmega Phase 3 and their arrival into Colonia. I was glad to hear that overall everything was going fairly great for them. I'd have to visit the Solaris soon and offer any help I can. The lift doors opened and I followed the signs to Lab FXR-1. The digital sign over the door scrolled FALLHARBOR and the digital pad to the side requested key authorization. I entered the key but was then prompted a hand scan before releasing the door. Shit. I stood there for a moment before I remembered...As a kid, my father had me input my hand as authorization in case of emergencies. I aligned my fingers to the points on the pad and it scanned for moment before it lit up green and the door slid open.

"Welcome back, Vidal" a computer voice called out as I entered. The lights and screens all flickered before turning on. I walked over to one of the terminals and tapped it. A feminine face appeared and startled me forcing me to take a step back. The face smile before speaking, "My my, Vidal. You've grown. I...I see it's been over 15 years since I last saw you." The face was familiar but I couldn't quite remember. "How can I help you?"

"I...I don't remember who you are."

"I am The Keeper, or Keep as you use to call me. I am Polus Fallharbor's Computer Assistant."

"You're...an AI?"

The face's eyes widened and looked around suspiciously then...it chuckled nervously? "Not at all Vidal. I am but a keeper of records able to help your father recall files and compute formulas as needed" said The Keeper with...a wink?

"I...see. Well is it possible to show me what my father was working on?" The face smiled and closed its eyes for a moment before responding. "Your father's research was based on Thargoid and Guardian technology as well as their cultures and behaviors. His research also included offensive and defensive weapons research, Guardian AI, and Thargoid communication. Would you like specific files?"

"Uh, no. That's fine."

"Very well. Is there anything else I can help with?"

"Actually, yes. I am thinking about allowing some people use this lab for their research which will probably include similar subjects. Is it possible for you to aid them as a "Keeper" but keep your real self hidden and report to me any and all findings?"

"Of course, Vidal. Would like every single detail or summaries?"

"Summaries are fine but please keep backups of everything they do."

"It's my pleasure."

"Amazing. I'll bring them over."

"Ah, Vidal, if I may ask."


"Where are Polus and Artemis? I don't read their life signs on board..."

I hesitated before telling her how they died at the hands of Amara. Keep frowns and appears to grieve before she looked up at me. "I am so very sorry, Vidal."

"It's...ok. I'm just glad to be back home."

The face smiled. "If I may ask one more request?"

"Of course."

"May I travel with you?"

"You...can do that?"

"I can create a sort of simlink version of myself on your personal computer. Communication to the carrier and my servers here would be almost instantaneous and-"

"You don't need to give me reasons, Keep. You're more than welcomed to come along."

Keep transferred herself to my suit's SmartGlas and I left to tell Martin the good news. They were ecstatic and quickly rounded up their scientists and pilots. I escorted them to the Lab where the scientists we're thrilled with The Keeper program and the files they were able to start with pertaining to my father's research. The ones Keep and I didn't lock away. I then escorted Martin and the pilots to the shipyard where I let Tiana, the shipyard manager, know they could have access to my Clipper and Vulture. She reluctantly agreed and took them to their respective hangars. Martin and I made our ways back to the lifts.

"I can't thank you enough, mije. This is more than we could have asked for and to continue your father's research is a privilege."

"It's my pleasure, Martin. I just hope the work and research your people do will help you be further accepted on the carrier."

"I believe it will, mije." We step through the lift and go our separate ways.

26 APR 3308

A message from Martin calls me to the lab where they show me that their pilots had intercepted a non-human signal a few light years away. In my suit, Keep acknowledged that the signal was real but found it strange that it was out here.

"That's...impossible" I said to Martin and the others

"We believed so too but the signal could not lie." Martin responded. "Mije, I'd like to request that you escort me personally to this signal. My pilots would be ill prepared if anything at this signal proves dangerous..."

I hesitate for moment. I too would be ill prepared. I've never seen a live Thargoid let alone, fought one. "Very well Martin. I'll inform Jenn and we'll get a wing to go-"

"I don't believe it wise to bring anyone outside our circle...rather, anyone too trigger happy. Remember mije, we're attempting peaceful comminication."

Martin's request felt suspicious. I knew something was off but..."Ok. But if something there is a live. We're not staying to find out it wants to kill us." Martin smiled and nodded. "Meet me at hangar 12 on La Jornada. It'll get us there and back the quickest."

"I'll be right there, mije." Martin says before turning to their scientists.

"I'm not sure this is wise, Vidal. It's appears highly suspicious" Keep says in my helmet.

"I agree. Keep looking into that signal for anomalies. There's been no news of any Thargoids out here."

"Will do Vidal."

//From: Vidal Fallharbor
//To: Aurelia England, Jennifer Dixon

I'm headed out for a bit on La Jornada. Should be back soon.

//Message End

I left out details in my message to them knowing they'd try to stop me. Especially if I was going to be alone with Martin. I received a ping from TCON's Internal Affairs channel on my way to the ship. It was a delightful message of an upcoming wedding. I didn't know the brides personally but I was happy the Solaris had some good news for once. I prepared La Jornada's systems and took off once Martin boarded.
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