Logbook entry

When the Abyss calls, one must answer

06 May 2022Fallharbor
Location: On board La Jornada
Date: 26 APR 3308

We jumped out of supercruise at the signal's source out in deep space. There was nothing there visually and even tuning the scanners resulted in nothing.

"Vidal, I've attempted tuning the ship's scanners to all known Thargoid signal sources. There is nothing here." Keep said in my helmet.

Martin's voice is suddenly behind me, "Mije, I just received a new message from my people." I hadn't heard them walk onto the bridge and jump a little before turning to them. "They said the signal has disappeared."

"That's right," I motion to the empty space, "Nothing here, Martin. Nothing to track ei-" Martin put a finger up and looked through their data pad. They nodded and swiped sending a new destination to the ship.

"Valeria says the signal moved. It is now here. We should hurry, mije!"

I looked at Martin suspiciously before turning to examine the galaxy map. "The signal is...the same, Vidal." Keep informed me. I looked back to Martin but they were gone without sound again. "Let's try not to lose it this time, Keep." I whispered and spooled up the frame shift drive.

Location: Hecate's Rest
Date: 29 APR 3308

Freyja lifted her head at the sound of the command deck's ready room doors opened. She yawned and watched curiously as the familiar women she's travelled with before rummages through the desk. The woman muttered something before the doors slid open again and another familiar face appeared. The one with the bouncy hair. Freyja recalled her showing her around this new home and pointed out great scratching posts with a wave of her fingers. She was nice. Freyja continued to watch as the two women spoke. They talked and talked and looked out the window.

"Mewr?" Freyja said and they stopped talking to look over to her. They looked sad as the pet her and nuzzled her before walking out of the room. Freyja yawned once more and curled up into ball and fell asleep wondering where her owner was.

Location: Hecate's Rest
Date: 30 APR 3308

"It's been four days, Jenn. No communication. No signal from they're ship." Aurelia said as she walked over and sat at her station.

"I've personally, questioned Martin and some of their people. They confessed that they had mentioned a strange signal to Vidal but haven't heard from them since..." Jenn replied sitting on the command chair. "Vidal is prone to wandering but not without checking in...Has anyone tried reaching out to Titan Contractors? Maybe someone on the Solaris has seen them?"

Aurelia closed her eyes in disbelief, "I...I haven't. That's a great idea, Jenn" she said turning to the station and tuning the comms.


//"T.O.C. Solaris, this is Deck Officer Aurelia England of Hecate's Rest. We have been unable to contact our Captain, Commander Fallharbor for some days now and was hoping maybe someone there might’ve heard from them or have any info? Any assistance would be appreciated."

After several seconds of silence, the line 'clicks', followed with a soft beep as the response comes.

// "Greetings, Officer England. Please hold."

A minute's silence, before another beep marks a follow-up response.

// "Hecate's Rest, this is the Solaris. There are no records of a Commander Fallharbor currently aboard the Solaris, though we understand his carrier was related to a distress signal we encountered a few weeks ago. We have no further information, and are currently restricted by an on-going Federal investigation. If there are other ways we can assist, we can attempt to do so."

????Hecate’s Rest ATC
there is brief static as the channel is opened followed by an audible sigh
//“No, no. You seem to have your own troubles to worry about at the moment. We’ll continue communication attempts on our end. Thank you for your prompt response and good luck with the Feds, Solaris.”

The comms channel closed with a click and Aurelia turned to Jennifer with a frown. Jennifer stood up and made her way to the lift. "I'm taking a wing and searching that system and a few near it again. Maybe we just missed something."

"Good luck, Jenn. Be safe..."

Location: On board La Jornada in Deep Space
Date: Unknown

Jump. Scan. Fuel.

Jump. Scan. Boost.

Jump. Scan. Boost.

Jump. Scan. Fuel.


"Vidal...how far will we go?" Keeps voice echoed.

"As far as it takes us...." my voice echoed back.

"The Abyss calls, mije. Tu verás...tu verás..." Martin echoed from behind.

Location: Somewhere in The Abyss far beyond Salome's Reach on board La Jornada
Date: Unknown

"Warning; Low Fuel" Keep repeated disguised as the ship's COVAS. I hadn't been wearing my helmet for a while now. Keep wouldn't shut up.

"Just a little further, mije. Tu lo sientes, no?" Martin said holding my shoulder.

"Yes. I can feel it" I said muting the COVAS. "It's so close... It's-"

"Stop!" Martin yelled and I shut down the frame shift drive. We floated there for a few moments before Martin spoke again. "Do you feel it, Vidal? Do see it? Hear it?"

I stood up and walked down to the front of the ship. I stared out into the darkness. The pain in my head and ringing in my ear no longer bothered me. I felt at piece. I felt...something...I saw...something...I heard something...

"The Far God calls out to us, Vidal. It yearns to embrace us with it's silence."

Silence wasn't what I heard. They were guttural whispers that I could somehow understand. Something stretched out towards us from the void. To embrace? To destroy?

It was all the same. The pain disappeared.

"I know what must be done."

I turned and Martin smiled. A smile of relief. As if someone else finally understood what they knew. I wasn't sure if they knew what I knew but I smiled back anyways and put on my helmet.

"Vidal, we're seriously low on- wait. Vidal? Oh, thank space" Keep said relieved as I plotted a route back to the Carrier.

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