Logbook entry

The Void Kin

16 May 2022Fallharbor
Location: Schee Flyi QH-W c17-264
Date: 13 May 3308

A Krait Phantom, paint bare as possible, jumped out of super cruise into the space around Hecate's Rest.

"Welcome Command-" the comms were interrupted by a familiar voice yelling in the back and then "Vidal is that you?!"

"Y-yeah. It's me. I'm back. "

"Land. Right. Now. Pad one one."

"Roger that."

I maneuvered the ship to the designated landing pad and slid into place before the hangar forcibly brought me down. Someone was eager to see me no doubt. I put on my flight jacket and glasses and waited by the airlock for the hangar to stop. Once it did I pressed the button and the door open slid open. I walked down the ramp as it opened down and scanned the area. The usual mechanics were there, rushing to repair the trodden Krait, and in the distance I saw two figures rush out of the lifts.

"I must admit Vidal. I'd been overhearing their conversations throughout the carrier and...they aren't very happy" Keep reported into my head.

"I didn't expect them to be but thanks for the report" I whispered as I walked towards them with a wave and awkward smile. Jenn jogged over to me as Aurelia stomped behind her. I wasn't sure what to expect but...Jenn jabbed me in the face the moment she reached me. Aurelia stopped right behind her with a scowl. The punch had definitely hurt and I rubbed my cheek looking at Jenn. She only stared at me with fury while Aurelia held her arm back from hitting me again. "I...I'm sorry. I'm not really sure what happened..." Jenn fumed for moment before taking a deep breathe and sighing. Aurelia let her go and walked up, "We're...happy to have you back, Commander. Please report to the ready room as soon as you can." She gave a weak smile and walked back towards the lifts. Jenn glared at me for a moment longer before turning and following her.

"That went better than I expected..." Keep said.

"You and me both..."

They were gone by the time I gave my report to Adriana, our head mechanic, who'd come out to see the Krait herself. She was surprised I was able to keep it in one piece after the trip I described. I agreed but let her know I wasn't sure about myself. She advised me to visit the med-bay to which I nodded and promised I would with a wave as I walked towards the lifts. There was someone else I had to see first though...

Location: Hecate's Rest: Lab FXR-1
Date: 13 May 3308

The doors slid open to room full of people. Many sat at desks scrolling through data on screens while others idled near by trying not to get in the way. A lone robed person stood by the screen Keep used to emote. I could see Keep shaking her digital face. "Martin..." I said walking up behind the robed figure who turned to me as they pulled back their hood with a smile. "Vidal!" Martin said as they embraced me cheerfully as I stood there awkwardly. "Mije, I'm so relieved to see you safe at home! We were so worried when Officer England and Chief Dixon asked for you! Why did you leave without me?" I shook Martin off gently and took a step back, " I was hoping you could tell me..." Martin's smile turned to a smirk and nodded towards the door, "Venga, we should talk in private." As we walked the halls I noticed people weren't giving Martin the same looks of disdain or fear from before. It was even nicer to walk through the residential area without having to break up a fight between anyone. The carrier seemed calmer...

The doors to their temple slid open. It was dark and filled with a cacophony of low chants combined with mumbling and the rattling of the carrier traveling through Witch-space. As Martin walked inside, the myriad of colors filled the room as the large window opened. "Digame, mije. What did you see out?" Martin said as they stood looking out into frenzy of hyperspace.

"First, I want to know what you did to me. How were you present on the way there? Why did you drug me?"

"I apologize for the deceiving nature of my methods. You see...if I had physically left with you, your friends and most likely the rest of the carrier would have spaced me and my people. I had to protect them but at the same time, I needed you to see." Martin's face lit up as the lightening from the hyperspace rift flashed. There was a hint of sorrow and fear in their eyes as we exited Witch-space. The chanting had stopped. Martin turned to me and showed me their cybernetic hand with a smile, "When I touched your face I wirelessly uploaded a little program that would show you and avatar of myself at certain points of your trip. The signals were uploaded to your ship before you had gotten to it and so I led you on a journey. Ah, the drug...well...that's so my avatar would feel more real." Martin turned back to look out the window as we began to enter Witch-space again. That chanting resumed. "It was so your mind would be more open."

My eyes furrowed in fury as I clenched my fists. "Martin, you had no right. If you wanted me to see something you know I was willing to take you."

"Mije, I know you would have. You in fact did go in search of a signal I had created. But I doubt if I had asked you to go to the ends of the galaxy you would have gone so spirited. Nor would your friends have let you. So instead I had to deceive you." Martin moved his gaze to me, "Pero no mas mentiras. I have no need for more deceptions for I know you saw something. I can see it in your eyes."

I turned away from their gaze and stared out into Witch-space. Memories and feelings rushed through me. I recalled the dreams of Witch-space and whatever I saw out there reaching to embrace me.

"Si, si viste algo. Tell me, Vidal." Martin pleaded as I stared out the window. Slowly I could feel the thing in my dream reaching out to me again. I wasn't sure how it was possible. This wasn't a dream and...Keep said the drugs were no longer in my system...The lightening of the rift snapped me back to the room.

"I...I'm not sure what I saw but I felt something. A comforting yet...cold feeling. I can't explain it but...it felt like it wanted me to prepare for something. Or help everyone prepare for something I- I don't know." I shook my head in confusion. "Whatever it was it-it didn't feel hostile."

"Si, si. The Far God only wishes to help us ascend. That is-"

"No," I interrupted turning to look at them "I don't know if it was The Far God or the void of space itself but it wasn't to help us ascend. At least not in the way you all believe. Ascension through knowledge and understanding. That is what I felt and that is what we will become. It wants all of us to ascend together. Humans, Thargoid, and whatever the hell else might be out there."

Martin smiled and attempted to embrace me but I stopped them with a hand. They chuckled and nodded, "Claro, mije. Apologies. I am just ecstatic."

"I've seen a small improvement in your relationship with the rest of the carrier. I assume it has to do with pitching in so, I'll try to get you all a second lab. And I will talk to Aurelia and Jenn about what I saw and what to do next. Just...don't ever do that to me again. Or I'll have the void embrace you sooner than you'd like."

Martin raised their brows and smiled, "Very well."

Location: Hecate's Rest: Ready Room
Date: 14 May 3308

"That son of an a-hole!" Jenn exclaimed after I finished describing the trip and what I spoke about with Martin when I returned. "I knew they couldn't be trusted! Vidal we need to-"

I raised a hand and shook my head "Jenn, really its fine. I've taken care of it." Jenn's eye twitched with fury as she sat back down.

"And so...you believe in all this now then? The Far God? The Thargoids being angels?" Aurelia asked concerned.

"The Thargoids are no angels. But I don't think they're what Galnet and all the superpowers describe them to be. As for The Far God...like I said. I didn't see a god. I felt the void of space reaching out to me."

"How do you know it wasn't the drugs?" Aurelia questioned. I nodded to show I understood her concern before I got up and walked over to the window. Freyja jumped off her tower and arranged herself on my shoulder wrapping her tails around my neck as I pet her head.

"I would have thought the same but Ke-the med-bay on the ship found no traces of any toxins on the return trip while the doctors here said the same. And yet...I still see it...feel it out there. Pleading for what I explained. It doesn't feel wrong. We are children of The Void. All it asks is that we help others understand it..."

"Help...or make?"

"Those who choose not to understand are free not to but we won't turn our backs on people who would join us. We defend our own."

"This is your carrier, Vidal but, you know most people won't go for this. Everyone will see this squadron you establish as just another Thargoid cult. I...I don't know if I can be a part of that either. The Thargoids have-"

"The Thargoids aren't the only hostile ones, Aurelia" I interrupt turning to them both, "Humans are not innocent. And we are not a Thargoid cult. We are a neutral party in understanding space. That's all. We study Thargoids to learn just as we study the Guardians, just as we study the stars."

Aurelia and Jenn both studied me. I assumed they were attempting to see if anything might be off but after a moment Aurelia just sighed. "With a name like The Void Kin, I don't see how anyone will take us as a serious research vessel" she said walking towards the door but stopped and turned to me before it opened. "If this becomes anything more than what you say. Anything more nefarious...I...I won't stay" she said as her eyes appeared to tear up before walking out the door. Jenn continued to stare at me for a moment before walking up to me and locked eyes, "I've known you for a while now, Vidal. You sure love to get us into trouble but this...this might be too much." She stared into my eyes a moment longer before breaking contact and petting Freyja, "But if she still trusts then so do I. Isn't that right girl?" Freyja mewed and nuzzled her hand before nuzzling me. Jenn turned to walk away but I stop her by reaching out for her hand. "Jenn...you can trust me," I said squeezing her hand. "I hope so..." she replied without looking back but squeezed my hand in return before leaving.

I sat down on the couch to look out the window as the carrier entered Witch-space. Freyja jumped down to my lap and curls up while looking up at me. The colors of Witch-space brightened her glittered eyes. "You trust me, right?" Freyja gives a mew and purrs as she buried head into herself.
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