Logbook entry

A Helping Hand: Part 1

06 Jun 2022Fallharbor
This log starts a short series in collaboration with Titan Contractors and it's many Commanders. Thank you CMDR RADIUMIO and everyone else involved for allowing me to be part of this.

Location: Hecate's Rest
Date: 16 May 3308

It hasn't been a pleasant few days. Aurelia, Jenn, Martin to neither of their approval, and I have talked about how to break the news of the new squadron to the carrier. We all anticipated various forms of unrest and disgruntled crew. However, it turned out better than expected. To start we promised anyone who would rather not be affiliated with us an exit. The moment we were back in the bubble, anyone who wanted nothing to do with The Void Kin and Hecate's Rest was free to leave. There were a few people who accepted that offer. They still had no trust in the refugees and were disappointed in the way the trip back into the black was handled. Fair. I couldn't disagree. Because of Martin's guise and my long absence some started to worry they'd fall into the same lost cycle they were once in. I didn't fault them. We made a plan that once we were back in bubble space we'd shuttle the people who didn't want to be connected to us off anonymously. Surprisingly though, a majority of the carrier agreed to stay. Many were happy with the refugees' hand in the carrier's upkeep and a lot were not dissuaded by The Void ideals I introduced. I'll admit I tried to not make it sound like a Far God replica but honestly... I'm not even sure if they're any different anymore. I just know The Void doesn't want us dead and from my understanding The Far God does. Other than that, they're fairly...similar? Thargoids aren't allies or angels, they're just another being in the void. Another thing to learn and understand. I guess thankfully most of these residents are scientists and...well...they want to science. Jenn will have to find new pilots once we get back to the bubble....

Location: Hecate's Rest
Date: 18 May 3308

The carrier had caught some distant radio signals. I wanted to go check them out but Jenn didn't let me go alone this time. In the Arbmos we left like old times and headed toward the ATHAIP systems. Once in the middle of them we caught on to a lot of radio signals. In ATHAIP WR-H D11-8524, Jenn forced the ship into silent running and we just sat there scanning the signals. Hearing them back. It was like old times, back in the bubble, back before we'd found Hecate's Rest. We'd sit and wait for targets. Except this time we were hoping we wouldn't be one. It'd seemed like this area of space was being populated. Something called...Azura Initiative. Some sort of colony near the core. Jenn and I made a note and made our way back to the carrier with a report.

Location: Hecate's Rest
Date: 27 May 3308

The trip along side Titan Contractors continued relatively uneventful. Not to say we hadn't made some amazing discoveries. I took a short trip attempting to reach the top of the galactic plane. Stayed in constant contact with the carrier this time though. Didn't want to upset...people...I found a system near the top with an Earth Like World. It was gorgeous and the view of the galaxy from one of the nearby planets was extraordinary.

I made sure to scan the whole system and found a ringed planet with Tritium deposits. Maybe one day the Squadron can make a home out here with the carrier if we ever need to disappear. I then made my way back to the carrier. It'd been a while but the visions and feeling from out in The Abyss returned while in Witch-space.

What I call The Void reached out. It wanted something. I ask Keep to record my vitals and attempt to record any anomalies in the ship while in the jump but she reported that everything was fine once we jumped out. I walked over to my cabin and opened the side table drawer. I stared at the little tin can that rested there for a moment before I took it and headed to the coffee machine. The last time The Void attempted contact I was...well under the influence of Onionhead and though I can still feel and see The Void, I can't interpret it's intentions.

"Vidal, I must advise against this" Keep said digitally appearing before the coffee machine the moment I opened the box. "The drug is addictive and constant use can have severe repercussions."

"It's all out of my system. Micro-dosing it should be safe enough. I need to understand what it wants, Keep." Keep was silent for a moment as if considering if what I'm saying is even possible. She sighed and disappeared from view. I poured a dose Martin had recommended into the coffee and brewed. I then waited until I started to feel it's affects before jumping. The moment the FSD began taking us into Witch-space the whispers began.

The whispers weren't anything I can truly understand, more a cacophony of emotions but now I could feel intent. It was warmth, hope. It wanted me to bring the lost to our safety and repel those who would do us wrong. A home...a system...

I'd arrived at the carrier later that day. In the comfort of the ready room, alone with Freyja I contemplated on how to proceed with what I'd learned. I mindlessly scrolled through my unread messages and channels and it was then that I learned about the happening back in the Solaris. Commander Adair...wanted for war crimes? Her and Commander Levine escaped and spotted in the bubble? Civil unrest aboard their carrier? What was going on over there? I put aside the needs of The Void and decided I'd keep a close eye on what was happening on the Solaris. For a lot of the trip they've been plagued with their own troubles it seemed. If it was us, I'd appreciate any help I could get though I wouldn't get involved until asked. That was when it started. An unknown account had sent me a direct message; an encrypted file and two strange images. The carrier's engineers, along with other commanders and the "Galaxy" Reinforced Intelligence Database account or G.R.I.D, in Titan's Concourse channel, were able to decrypt and analyze the images. The file only contained a text document with an unnerving smiley emoji while one of the previous images contained coordinates to Sheron, the last checkpoint on our trip before returning to Misir and the bubble at large.

Location: Hecate's Rest
Date: 31 May 3308

The unknown account continued to send cryptic messages to Commanders for the past few days. Aurelia expressed concern about getting anymore involved but I reminded her I wouldn't put the carrier into trouble. If someone attacked us we'd leave. However, I reminded her that the Solaris assisted us when we needed help. The least we can do is be around if they needed it. She reluctantly agreed. I worry I might lose her eventually. We all agreed however to skip the remaining checkpoints and head directly for Sheron ahead of the Solaris. It was there where the worst began...
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