Logbook entry

The Wych Threatens All

07 Jul 2022Fallharbor
I floated through through the cacophony of colors and whispers, pulled by something too far to reach yet...close enough to feel and hear. In the distance, at the end of Witch-space, was The Void. It called us home.

Location: Hecate's Rest: Med Bay
Date: 20 June 3308

I took that first breath upon waking. The one where you actually feel the air go through your nose and your eyes attempt to open. The light above me immediately forced them closed as my hearing started to kick in. I could hear whispers to my left and...a sort droning to my right. I opened my eyes slower, allowing them to acclimate to the room but as I regained consciousness I began to feel pain rushing through my body. My left arm in particular felt...strange. The figures to my left turned to me and walked over from the window.

"Cuidado, mije...take it slow," the familiar voice of Martin echoed in my head.

"Don't be alarmed Vidal..." Jenn's voice said in her awkward worrying tone. "You've...sustained quite an injury."

"W-what happened?" I groaned trying to sit up but I felt a slight pain near my left elbow that stopped me.

"Tethys said a pipe burst as part of the Solaris hallway collapsed. It...buried you and-" Aurelia stopped with what looked like Jenn grabbing her shoulder. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again. I looked at my left arm and saw that from the elbow down it wasn't my arm anymore but metal...I sighed and laid back down. "They still need to graft new skin to it but they said you should heal completely soon" Jenn said trying to reassure me. I looked to my right and out the room's window into the hallway. The source of the droning sound was robed figures outside the room.

"W-who...what are they doing?" I asked my voice growing stronger.

"Rezando, mije" replied Martin.

"Praying for what?"

"You! Praying to The Void for your health! It's a miracle to us nothing worse happened, mije!" Martin exclaimed.

I looked to Martin unsure of what to say. Jenn and Aurelia sort of rolled their eyes before I looked out the window. Did they all think me someone so important? I'd never seen the robed members leave the sanctuary of the temple before...Before I could ask Martin the screen at the far end of the room turned on at the same time everyone's wrist comms beeped with notifications. It was breaking news from Galnet; Salvation had revealed that their supporting company was Azimuth Biotech all along. Azimuth...the same company that worked with Inara over two centuries ago. The company that preformed horrible experiments in the name of humanity's survival. This couldn't be a coincidence with everything happening in the bubble. I had kept up with news in the bubble on our venture out in the black. Salvation and his weapon...I knocked out before I could think anymore...

Location: Hecate's Rest: Ready Room
Date: 26 June 3308

"We must fight against Azimuth. There is no question about it! Not only has he committed atrocities against Humanity but against the Thargoids themselves. El es un maldito y tiene que morir!" Martin argued pacing around the room. I continued to read the galnet news. The reports of Salvation probably being Caleb Wycherly, the reports of a subject called D-2. I'd even received a message to join in a fight against Azimuth. An Operation Wych Hunt they called it.

"This carrier and it's people are not meant nor ready for a war. Not after everything we've been through!" Aurelia exclaimed. "These people need rest! Hells, Vidal still needs rest!"

"I'm fine" I replied in a grisly voice. "And I think Martin is right. We've returned to the bubble and everyone who didn't want to be here has been dropped off at Snyder Gate. Martin says The Void Kin are ready to fight and-"

"We are also Void Kin!" Aurelia interjected. "And by that I mean we are also members of this carrier and squadron. You have members that aren't fully trusting of-"

"Then they shouldn't have stayed!" I said pounding my fist to the desk. The desk bent under the power of the metallic left arm. It had scared them, even Freyja who jumped off her tower and ran to the couch. It didn't do what I wanted though. My aim wasn't to scare but to silence the whispers in my head. Silence the pull to this war. But I knew the only way to silence it was to go. "I-I'm sorry but...if people stayed then they are in agreement with the squadron. We must fight Wycherly and Azimuth. If we allow his weapons to continue to grow there is no telling whether he might turn it against Humanity after the Thargoids. Or worse...his weapons fail and only anger them further and destroy us." Aurelia looked at her tablet downcast. Jenn...well she'd been itching for any fight after Solaris had us fighting ghosts. And Martin...Martin only smiled and nodded in agreement. "Tienes razon, mije. Mucho razon..."

Location: Hecate's Rest: Hangar 11
Date: 27 June 3308

The carrier had jumped to Qarato and our soldiers were primed for war against Azimuth. I had prepped the Arbmos to keep me out in the fight for as long as possible but before I climbed the steps of the Krait I heard the whispers again and instantly felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Mije..." Martin began as I turned to him. "I know you wish to fight this war and I think you have the right reasons but...I wish for you to learn more about our sect's history...The Far God Cult was our beginning and though we may differ now...we still share common trauma here in the bubble..." Martin sent me coordinates to my wrist comm...Two settlements in Etain.

"This is too far from here. I'm not about to order the carrier to war and not participate!"

"Yo entiendo, mije pero I think this is important for the future of our organization. For the future of the carrier and it's people you must learn of the past. Trust me. The war will still be here when you return."

I looked at them with narrowed eyes, everything in my body told me to stay but the whispers pulled me to the coordinates. "You didn't spike my coffee again did you?"

"I think you do that all on your own, no?" Martin said with a smirk and walked away. I walked up the stairs and put down the dominator suit I was loading up before I sat in the cockpit.

"Where to Vidal?" Keep asked through the speakers.

I sighed and hesitated. It didn't sit right to leave my people and friends in a war I pushed us to join but...Whatever was in my head pulled me away..."Etain....we go to Etain..."

Location: Etain
Date: 27 June 3308

I'd reached the first set of coordinates...The Sanctum.

The settlement was abandoned...long ago it seemed but I was able to find logs. They spoke of this being a Far God Cult settlement. Somewhere they went to pray and wait for the For God's return. What I found though were scorched buildings and a strange substance throughout.

The whispers in my head grew louder as I reached for it but I was stopped by Keep suddenly speaking in my head. "I wouldn't touch that, Vidal. It has corrosive properties and will eat right through your suit and beyond..." Corrosive?...Like the Thargoids... There was nothing else here and I headed to the next settlement...The Prophet.

It was the same...abandoned...scorched...The logs were similar. People...lost people looking where to belong...looking for escape from harsh lives. The cult gave them an out though it was to wait for death in sleep...

Keep reminded me of the persecution the cult faced in all the years since they emerged and the two surviving ships that roamed space. I didn't want this for my squadron but...I did want a place of safety for people who thought like us. Those who were allies of alien species and sought to understand them. The Thargoids are said to have attacked these settlements but many of the bodies went missing. Were they taken? I can't be sure...Everyone believes Thargoids to be a hive mind but...we can't even speak to them. How sure can we be that there aren't factions like we have.

The trip was a learning experience. I had to decide whether to keep our true mission a secret or open ourselves so others like us can truly find safe harbor. It'd have to be a decision for another day. The whispers had subsided as if I had accomplished what it wanted but now I was needed back in Qarato and at the war. I strapped in and started jumping. If we couldn't fight Wycherly directly we could take his structures, his backups, his everything. We can save ourselves...

Location: T Tauri: Hecate's Rest
Date: 01 July 3308

The bridge was filled with with people delegating orders from transmissions broadcast by Operation Wych Hunt. At one point, Melanie Diaz, a new communications officer for the squadron received a message from outside the OWH sent directly to the carrier. It was from a Commander Krynesur and contained footage of the commander appearing to communion and interact with a Thargoid. Melanie showed it to Aurelia who waved it off as junk but Melanie remembered her orders from Martin. "Bring all Thargoid matters to me whether approved by the others or not." Vidal had been away for days only reporting in their war efforts. They would be the only one to keep her from bringing the message to Martin. At the end of her shift Melanie headed to the residential levels and straight to the temple. To her surprise the doors of the temple, embellished with the new Void Kin emblem, opened as she walked up. Many robed figures stood in rows facing the far large window where one person stood facing her. "Entra, mija" they spoke out to Melanie, beckoning her over. Melanie made her way across and showed Martin the message. "Estupendo!" Martin exclaimed and ordered her to reply.

To: Commander Krynesur
From: The Void Kin via Hecate’s Rest
Subject: RE: Thargoid Encounter
Date: 01 July 3308

Greetings Commander Krynesur,

We are reaching out to confirm we have received the video of your Thargoid encounter and have reviewed it with great interest. The Void Kin would be honored and humbled by your presence on our carrier for a conversation. Like you, we are fascinated and humbled by the beauty of the Thargoid species. We are currently located in T Tauri fighting a war against Azimuth to help stop the extinction of this beautiful and mysterious species. We know our invitation may be sudden and you may not be in the vicinity, therefore a holo conversation may be possible as well. We await your response, kindred.

Melanie Diaz
Void Kin Representative


"Digame, señorita Diaz, how well do you know The Void?" Martin asked staring out the window into space.

Melanie stared out the window in deep though for a moment unsure how to answer. She'd heard this use to be a Far God Cult chapter but that it was different now...was this a test? Was bringing the message not enough devotion to...whatever this is? Melanie began hesitantly. "I...I know it's the same as The Far God...the-" but was interrupted by Martin's head shaking. Before either could speak any further, Melanie's wrist comm chirped with a reply.


To: Melanie Diaz, Void Kin Representative
From: Bleou Aick XU-P D5-3 A 3 A, Vequia Roaming
Subject: RE: Thargoid Encounter, Invitation Notice
Date: 01 July 3308, 12:30 AM

To Melanie Diaz,

Thank you for looking into my encounter.
As for the invitation, I would be happy to board the Hecate's Rest. But, that may be for another time. Right now, I can accept holo communication whenever it is best. My schedule is free, unless I am sleeping, and my meeting grounds can always be at any of these bodies within the current system I am exploring.
Below will be a file attached with my contact information. I look forward to the call and to meeting you or whoever may be conducting the call.

May stars guide you,
Commander Ikena Krynesur

The message contained her contact information for a direct call. Martin smiled as they read it over and placed a hand on Melanie's shoulder. She looked up at Martin who towered over her. Martin's long hair fell obscuring their face as they looked down at Melanie, a smirk barely visible. "You will talk to them. You will bring them to us, Melanie. I believe you can offer them what they need. What we have."

"M-me? B-but I'm just a communications officer! I'm too new! I-"

"The Void will provide you courage. Come." Martin led her down the alter and new to a robed a figure. They gently pushed her to kneel and face the window. "See. Feel. Listen" Martin whispered before returning to the alter and started a low guttural chant. Everyone repeated.
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