Logbook entry

First Archon of The Void Kin

10 Jul 2022Fallharbor
In the short reprieves between battles I slept however long I could and even in those short naps I felt the pull of eternity. The Void continued to clarify that this was right. Every repsite brought us closer together. I could not...no, I would not fight it any longer. The Void brought me here, to this fight against Salvation and his genocidal machinations. The Void would continue to guide me and I would continue to follow it's path.

Location: T Tauri: Makuto Drilling Site
Date: 09 July 3308

I hadn't returned to the carrier in days. T Tauri was a massive battleground like Qarato and we were given specific orders for taking the settlements from Azimuth. Though Salvation played with his toys elsewhere, we still hoped he'd fail and come home to nothing. Me and my people did what we could here but after so many days I ordered us back to the carrier.

"Hecate's Rest, this is Commander Fallharbor," the static worried me for a moment. I know the system authorities weren't on our side and I wasn't sure of the carrier's current condition. "Someone! Anyone come in!"

"C-commander Fallharbor, sorry about that. Let me get someone real quick!" A voice responded with what seemed to be their mouths full. I chuckled in relief. If their calm enough to eat at the comms then the carrier should be fine.

"Vidal, it's Jenn. Sorry about that, someone was eating their lunch here." Jenn's voice had come through a few moments later. I chuckled again before responding.

"All good, Jenn. I'm just glad everyone's alright enough to be relaxed out there."

"Carrier defenses are going strong Vidal. Nothing to worry about here. Do you need more supplies?"

"No. no. We're calling in for some evac. Please get all our people in T Tauri back to the carrier ASAP. I think we're done here for now."

"Roger that, Vidal. Evac in route."

I walked around the mining site to let a few of mine know Evac was on the way and let everyone else know we we're pulling out for now. They thanked us all for the help. I heard a loud boom from above and looked up to see two ships coming for us. Jenn was always quick to get us out.

The two ships landed letting us on board. There was new insignia on them that I had only seen in my visions...I guessed Martin must have gotten the message from The Void as well though I wondered how they convinced Aurelia and Jenn to allow it...

Location: T Tauri: Hecate's Rest
Date: 09 July 3308

The pad settled in the hangar as the dropship's airlocks opened. I congratulated everyone for a job well done once more before we all walked out. I waited from everyone to exit before going myself but they were all bunched up at the airlock.

"What's going on?" I asked before they all separated to let me through. Two rows of robed figures stood opposite each other making a path to the hangar lifts. Martin stood at the lifts smiling and raised their arms when they saw me.

"The Void has returned them! Our First Archon! Let us rejoice!" Martin exclaimed and the robed figures responded with "May The Void guide you evermore!". It was...strange but that feeling from Witch-space in the back of my head felt reassuring. As I walked towards Martin the robed figures bowed.

"Martin...what's going on?" I said to them leading them over to the side. I looked over to the soldiers that had returned with me and waved them over, "Come on ya'll. Get to rest!" They walked passed the figures now standing back upright and saying "Welcome back, Kin!" joyfully to each one of them.

"I'm sure you've read the news from a few days ago, mije. The Far God Cult, they have resurfaced and appear to no longer be hiding." Martin said as the soldiers and exited into the lifts followed by the robed figures. Eventually it was just us alone in the hangar.

"I have but what's with all the...pageantry?"

Martin smirked and gave coy look, "Well, after The Far God Cult made their response I thought why should we hide who we really are? Why are we not at the forefront of this battle as The Void Kin. So...I reorganized our and reaffirmed our beliefs to our people, Vidal. We do not hide The Void any longer nor our pro-xeno ideology. I communed with The Void and I'm sure you also have felt it's message."

"And this First Archon business?"

"Part of the reorganization, mije. We are not just a Squadron but an order. Though no longer part of The Far God Cult chapters we are still an order and so I made the order. First Archon of The Void Kin, Vidal Fallharbor. Our fearless leader. Our link to The Void."

I took a deep breathe letting all the information settle. How much had changed in my absence and how-"What about Aurelia and Jenn? How did you convince them of this?"

Martin frowned and waved their hand, "Bah, those two are only Void Kin in name. You know they do not believe us but...I only assured them that you would approve."

"How exactly did you do that?" I asked them with a raised brow.

"I may have forged some correspondences between us."


"In fairness they did find it suspicious that you hadn't sent them any of those orders but I told them this was more Void Kin matters rather than squadron matters..."

I palmed my face with both hands and let out a deep breathe before I looked back at Martin, "This is just like the Onionhead, Martin. Another deception to get what you want!"

"No, mije...I mean...yes sort of but...it's for the best" they said placing a hand on my shoulder and smiling. "If it is wrong, The Void will guide us." They turned away and headed into the lift. "Oh and, we've a new member now! A Commander Krynesur! Be sure to reach out to her and welcome her. You are the First Archon!" The hangar lift closed and I immediately received a message on my comms from a Melanie Diaz.

Greetings First Archon,

Please find Commander Krynesur's contact information attached
and feel free to reach out with any questions!

Void Kin Acolyte
Melanie Diaz

Void Kin Acolyte? I shook my head and felt my knees buckle a little. I was too tired for now and would have to look further into all this later. First, Aurelia, Jenn, and Freyja... I took the hangar to the concourse and made my way past all the scattered crates of supplies seemingly spilling out of Pioneer. I took notice of the new signage at the entrance of the pilot's lounge. The Unending Cup Kiera must be trying something new but I'm glad she feels at home enough to name the lounge. The security at the command deck now had the new insignias as well. Martin was quick but then again it had been days since I'd returned. How much more could have changed? I exited the lift at the top and the bridge was buzzing with orders to our defenses outside. No sign of Jenn or Aurelia though so I walked over to the ready room. As the doors slid open two robed figures stood up from the chairs, their hoods obscuring their faces.

"Welcome back, First Archon. We are rejoiced of your return..." the figures said together in a monotone voice. We stood quietly for moment before the two figures started to snicker and then we all laughed out loud. Jenn and Aurelia removed the hoods and smiled. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the other side of the desk to sit. They removed the robes and threw them to side before sitting. "Seriously though, welcome back. We're glad you're safe," Aurelia began. "The carrier has been providing all available support while keeping Azimuth system authority at bay," Jenn continued. Freyja mewed from the top of her tower and jump over to nuzzle my hand and sit on my lap. "Glad to hear it. What about all this stuff with Martin?" I asked petting Freyja. They both rolled their eyes before Aurelia responded, "We knew you weren't approving these supposed orders but...after everything you've told you experienced and actually following through on letting people decide whether or not they want to be here-"

"And with that Far God Cult Galnet Article..." Jenn interjected.

"Mhm, yeah that too...Well we didn't think much of all the changes. They seemed harmless while we were busy with the war effort." Aurelia said.

"Just...couldn't really be bothered but did find some of this funny." Jenn chuckled pointing to the robes.

"Aha, yeah...Well you should know...it's very serious to Martin. They want us to go full pro-xeno...pro-Thargoid..." Their faces turned serious at that. I chuckled nervously. I didn't want to lie to them. What I felt from The Void was the path Martin had set out but...I didn't want to lose my friends. "...but obviously we aren't full anything. We conserve and study all life. That's still our mission. Like with this Salvation business-"

"Speaking of that," Aurelia interrupted trying to sway the subject away from Martin and The Void, "Operation Wych Hunt has sent new orders. We are to head to Qarato and continue with the effort of pushing Azimuth out of the system."

I listened to her while looking at Freyja. Her two tails wrapped around forearm as I pet her. I sighed and looked up the two, "Right. Sounds good. Order our forces back on board and jump us out of here. Qarato should give our defenses some rest and any help we give there doesn't have to be as stressful as the war here was." The two of them nodded and got up to leave. "You two should also take some rest time. You both deserve it," I said them before they exited without a reply. I rested on the chair until the countdown to jump was at its end. I walked over to the window and watched as the rift into Witch-space tore open. Freyja rested on my shoulder, her tails wrapped around my neck as I looked out into hyperspace. The Void whispered approvingly. Freyja mewed.
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