Logbook entry

Usual session in the trade routes.

29 Dec 2020UV
Started a new trade route this session.
Lots of credits to be had but, long trips and a lot of Pirate activity. This is to be expected though, I am carrying Gold, Silver, Palladium and Tritium in my Cargo bay.

Had a fight against an Anaconda but the Pirate sent out his storage hatch breaker Limpets so I had to boost away very Quickly. It was an unfair fight anyway for the Pirate because I had him from behind, locked on and that's when the Pirate did the dirty and sent his Limpets. My Cargo comes before any fried Pirate burger.

Used the Python all session but once I'm back at point A, I can off load and head for my 2nd Space Dock home, have breakfast n a coffee and then jump in the Cutter for the next session. I'll be needing my Fighter as protection for the next part of the session.
I'll take Kallie with me in the next session because we will be fighting the Pirates as I have a very big Palladium consignment to deal with. It's time for another onslaught of Gaunlet runs.

Kallie is doing very well. She really is giving the Pirates something to worry about. She'll soon have the combat rank of Elite. Now that's something every space trucker needs in their fighters.
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