Cmdr [deleted30535]
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The power at play

26 Jul 2018User30535
Robigo, along with Sothis and Ceos live days of silence and solitude. These stations were once the holy grail of the traders with enough patience to complete the 1k light year round trip to the outskirts. Mostly smugglers and imperial slave carriers. The docks have plenty of ship flux, but commanders stick to their job. Perhaps fear that this prosperous place get too much attention once again.

When I started the passenger operation @ Hauser's Reach I had no idea I could fine tune the market and the ships to such a rewarding business. I was losing interest on my other plans. I even decided to buy a new ship looking forward to improve and operate more passenger lanes. A multimodal fleet assures commanders they can easily be worthy contractors. But an efficient single role will also grant access to the hall of higher advantages of any faction. They act and behave in many ways, but it all comes down to a simple reputation system tied to the Pilots Federation. Keep that in mind.

SS Excess is the name I gave to the Orca. I had one of those way back when I was fighting for the Federal Navy. Working with other commanders in the name of democracy and free commerce. It was my "jump around fancy boat", just because I could afford it. Now I had something different in mind for the luxurious vessel. Fast credits and steady reputation flux. This time, I collect imperial digital stamps. Not proud of it, not enjoying it. But as I said before, that trigger would find a finger. I just made sure it was mine to pull and live that experience. Don't judge me. Think about what's going on here. What is this power at play? What is in it for you and to you?

I've seen an old friend these days. He retired not long ago and lives in an amazing high end luxurious apartment on a remote station. The approach from the main star was about 15 minutes. Not too far, but yet, distant enough to keep away most commanders. That may as well directly afect the market, with lower quantity of shares, holding bigger value. I can't say it is a rule, but it seems to work pretty well for some people and it did to me as well.

I've decided to move more between Hauser's Reach and Galileo. While waiting for the Orca to arrive to refit it to the VIP PAX Lane, I bought an Asp X just to make the trip to the outskirt faster and smoother. The Transporter has no shields, weapons, nothing but heatsinks, awesome FSD and fuel scoop, AFMS and that should do the trick. After spending about 2 hours at bay 02 waiting for the ship I was finally ready to make some changes to it and get out of the shipyard. No matter how far I wanna stay from it and just fly, I tend to keep changing some aspects in order to find the required balance on the required task. The Transporter was the very reaction to that. That ship would jump 36.49Ly and refuel faster than it takes to maneuver around a star before performing the next jump.

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