Cmdr [deleted30535]
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Royal failure, bandwagon effect.. and midlife crisis?

28 Jul 2018User30535

Once again I visit this place. Not happy to be here, but at least returning so soon means faster results than expected before. I'm gonna prepare an anaconda for the passenger contracts. After using the Orca, all those jumps with the corvette felt dull. At this point, I'm just hoping the Bruja will be a great passenger vessel as well and I'll keep two operative lanes at Hauser's Reach.

So much profit, reasonable reputation build, fleet expansions, sights like this...
I feel like I'm missing something. And yet, look at it. How can this not be more than enough? I'm just trying to have a sustainable presence and it grows as if I had a greenthumb.

Sol, this twenty something trillion people system was the first permit I wanted after starting my commander career. But I don't really stay here as much as I plan and greet. Galileo is a place to meet people, design operations and enjoy the sightseeing. I really enjoy the looks, the mindset and most of the culture.

Meech Dock on the other hand is not much my kind of a place. Or maybe the nature of my work there gives me the bad vibes. Two ships for a pretty straight forward mission: grant me reputation. Caronte the Federal Assault Ship for eventual termination contracts and Valparaiso the Python for hauling. The Imperial Navy has offered me ranks through transportation before. A load of explosives and a bunch of credits for a couple of ranks. Not surprising at all.  But hey, I'm here to see the the odds play the possibilities. I prefer to not use the weapons, but I'll kill some numbnuts that painted a target on their backs by getting involved with these guys in the first place, if that's how the Navy thinks this should go.

I keep working between seven to ten minor factions, that insist on fight each other for ever to see who's gonna control certain system. The power at play versus the play for power on a power context. It's meta illusion, phase cancelation. Look at me! I'm the one pointing fingers, fixing a scenario within our common galaxy and playing my part. Maybe I'm no different, and Emilia was right. So, if that's the case, what is in it for me? The status? Or is it maybe just a proportional response to my own actions and exposure, as compared to general evolution, growth and so on. Much like time feels faster and faster as one grows in age, simply for the expectation as a result of experience and a few other curves down that road.

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