Cmdr [deleted30535]
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31 Jul 2018User30535
I must say I had one great experience for about 30 days back on the black.
We must notice that so much was done within that time frame, mostly because I had the assets and credits to do so. But on the other hand, that only means a little more time and jumps to get from one operation to another, if a commander with a smaller fleet decides to take his fate by the helm doing something like this. At the end of the day, it's just a matter of proportion.

Robigo, Cemiess, Shinrarta Dezhra and Sol were the primary systems with operations. The HQ and minor shypyard at Galileo, major shipyard on Jameson Memorial, passenger major operation at Hauser's Reach and a mixed cargo/military contract operation on Meech Dock. During the somewhat 30 days I bought 4 ships and sold one of them, along with some modules and some extra credits laying around my balance account.

What will I find on the path I choose while we travel to Andromeda?!
I guess we'll find out here and on my broadcasts.

So much is defined, explained, exemplified by the idea or metaphore of the mechanism. similar to the organism. the details, the tiny grooves, scretches, dents... everything that carve a unique yet systemic process, describing the inputs and the outputs. We know so much, and yet so little. News from Thargoids from all over, technology development, political warfare and plenty of combat. I feel overwhelmed and the best thing to do is to focus and enbark on a philosophical trip to go about those matters, not fighting, but using, allowing... just going with the flow!

Shall we let them chips fall where they may? But even if we do so... how can we tell the difference between helm and system? Is it fate? Is it faith?
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︎0 Shiny!
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