Cmdr [deleted30535]
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is this thing on?

05 Aug 2018User30535
Funky day today. So much taking place at once and yet I'm stuck here on Galileo's Authority Office, because someone decided to open fire when I was taking off and somehow the station managed to hit me with it's turrets. I want them to pay for the damage and I really should get going. Feels bad being here wasting my time.

I've received a message from home earlier. As much as I have no contact with my family, I have some people bringing me information on their whereabouts and how they're doing. It's not that I don't love them. I just like to keep my distance for several reasons. I don't think most of you would be concerned about that anyway. I wish they were in Mars. Life not only is a lot better there for all the social aspects, but the environment is a lot better. My family does not agree with me on that last one, tho. As I'm not gonna force them, I can only hope one day some of them would take my offer. I'd be glad to have them joining me in anyway they can or just to help them move to Olympus Village.

I've recently started broadcasting a signal to the past, hoping that somehow I go even deeper on my journey. I mean, after all this time playing the Man's game, I want to figure out somethings on my own. It's time I find out what's in it for me? I know I'm not gonna take the ships with me to the afterlife, nor my credit balance. So with that in mind, I wonder if I will take the connections I make. I wonder if in the eternal night without dreams all that was once intertwined by faith or fate remain in a way or another. I do feel connected to all those that came before me, but I'm not sure if that's just a scar or if it actually means some contamination. Is existence contagious?

That being said, it's time to return to Hauser's Reach and operate some passenger contracts there. I'm still working on my credit balance, as for now the fleet seems to be fully operational. I'll see you guys on the flip side!
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