Logbook entry

Sifting through some Guardian sites.

26 Aug 2023Haston LaGrone
With the Thargoid's having been effectively pushed back for many weeks, I took a leave from frontline duty to help my sister upgrade her Krait. The A rated internals and enhanced AX multi cannons on her ship where sufficient for combatting the lower echelons of the Thargoid ranks. However, as the conflict has moved deeper into contested space more powerful interceptors have begun to make a consistent appearance. This combined with the larger groups of weaker enemies coordinating together has led to a need for greater firepower for my companion. So, we set out to get enough materials to nab some guardian weapons and modules.

We set out around 12:00 yesterday. I jumped my fleet carrier, The Sword of Orion, to an interim stop, then finished the first leg of our trip in Synuefe EU-Q c21-10. After about an hour of probing the ancient data terminal, salvaging parts, and destroying sentinels, we had obtained enough weapon blueprints to move on to the next leg of the journey.

The Sword of Orion's next jump was to HD 63154. Due to some....oversight.... and a lack of system data, the ship jumped to the primary star. The 150,000 ls flight to the host planet afterwards was quite dull. We proceeded to site and began the collection process again. This site yields a surprising number of sentinels, facing 6+ each cycle of activating the ancient data terminal. Although the routine took a while, enough blueprints and materials where gathered that a return trip will (hopefully) not be needed for a while.

The last missing piece was the pattern scans. To facilitate the fastest acquisition of this data we set up our last stop in Synuefe NL-N C23-4. Before the jump, a scenic view of the HD 63154 B2 and B3 gave us an appreciated send off.

Synuefe NL-N C23-4 b3 was rather unique location for the crew to visit. It was the first location we reached in which the celestial body had multiple Guardian sites. Site 1 has multiple obelisk banks, of which two adjacent obelisks are active. It didn't take long to collect the needed patterns and conclude our adventure to Guardian space. So began the trip home and a visit to a Guardian tech broker.
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