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The MetaDrives Mystery Part II

29 Oct 2016Jellicoe
"It's Raan Corsen, she's broken cover." Claude's excited voice came through. "I've got a fix."

"What?" Jellicoe replied groggily rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"I know where she is, system, planet even ground coordinates."

"Jellicoe snapped fully awake "Give Skirving the system name then get to the bridge, I'll meet you there." Jellicoe opened a link to the bridge. "Mr Skirving set an immediate course for the system Claude's about to sent you, I'll be there shortly." A short while later Jellicoe and Claude were at their stations on the bridge of the Resolution as the ship powered her way through witch space. "How did you track hr down?" Jellicoe asked while he finished strapping himself into his command chair.

"She made a couple of transmissions, only short bursts and well hidden but enough to identify and zero her."

"Will anyone else have picked them up?"

"Probably. The kit she's using hides the signal by piggybacking it onto other transmissions, if you're not looking you'd never pick it up but if you are and have the right equipment you'll find it." Claude said fighting the temptation to go into exhaustive detail.

"So we have to assume Sirius know as well?"

"Yes, probably the Earth Defence Fleet too, what do we know about them?"

"Military unit, fairly recent but well organised and control a few systems. They're a bit fanatical but on the right side, certainly preferable to Sirius. Will Corsen know anyone's on to her?"

"Depends how much she knows about coms systems, unless she's quite expert she'll probably think she's safe." Claude replied.

"Next question, who was she trying to contact and why? Is she working for someone?" Jellicoe mused, partly to himself.

"Not the Federation obviously." Claude replied. "The Empire would have picked her up by now if it was them and it's close enough to the Alliance to have made a run for it. It could be Delaine but this level of subtlety isn't really his style."

"It is Anal's though, the Utopians are always all over any new tech." Jellicoe answered.

"Of course she could just be a bent tech on the run and trying to find buyer for some nicked tech." Claude said with a chuckle. "It is just possible Sirius aren't actually up to anything dodgy."

"It is." Jellicoe answered with a smile. "But wouldn't you like to know what it is if they're prepared to go to this much trouble to get their hands on it?"

"Not if it means dodging Li's hatchet men no!" Claude answered predictably.

They jumped into the system. LHS2088 was an unremarkable place with a fair sized population and a high tech economy.

"The signal came from the planet B1." Claude said. "No atmosphere, low G, starport about eleven megameters from her position."

"She wasn't detected in this system." Jellicoe said thoughtfully. "So she was either exceptionally lucky or stayed well clear of the normal shipping lanes."

"Got a wing of Sirius Security ships skipper." Vik put in from tactical. "Three Vipers 60ls to port, just shadowing the shipping lane by the looks of it."

"Let's see what they do if we leave it." Jellicoe said thoughtfully and changed course forty degrees to port.

"Sirius ships have changed heading to intercept us." Vik called.

"The lead ship is hailing us." Claude put in.

"Give me audio." Jellicoe replied.

"Corvette Resolution please change your heading and return to the shipping lane for your own safety, pirates are active in this area." a polite but firm voice came through the speakers. Jellicoe looked at Claude and raised his eyebrows, the system was well outside Sirius Corp jurisdiction, even beyond Li's unofficial network of influence, exploitation and control.

"Thanks for the warning Sirius Security But risk is part of a salvage crews job, we'll take our chances." Jellicoe replied evenly.

"Negative sir, return to the shipping lane as ordered."

"Sirius Security may I remind you that you have no jurisdiction in this system." Jellicoe responded feigning anger.

"Corvette Resolution my instruction stands, return to the shipping lane within ten seconds or you will be interdicted and destroyed."

Jellicoe changed course as instructed. "Sirius Security this is an outrage, I am an ally of the Sirius Corporation and rest assured that I shall be taking this up with your superiors." Jellicoe was rather enjoying feigning impotent outrage.

"Corvette Resolution that is your prerogative however I have my orders. Have a nice day."

"Okay we head for the starport then swing round the planet to the signal source though something tells me she won't be there." Jellicoe told the bridge crew.

"Think that means they've got her?" Claude asked gravely.

"It could mean anything but I doubt it's that." Jellicoe replied. "If they'd got her she'd be out of system and they'd not be drawing attention t themselves, this dragnet suggests they've not."

"Three Vultures incoming from the planet on intercept course for the Vipers." Vik broke in. "Picking up interdiction spike." They watched as one by one all six ships dropped out of super-cruise at the same location and imagined the battle that would now be taking place. As soon as the last ship had gone Jellicoe pointed the Resolution's nose toward the far side of the planet and opened the throttle. They entered orbit and headed for the coordinates but as they closed on the site the scanner blinked into life.

"Three contacts, look like they're right on the site." Claude said. "Make that four, one looks like it's on the ground."

"Gunship and two Vultures." Vik added the detail. "Dropship on the ground."

"We're being hailed." Claude said.

"Put it through."

"Corvette Resolution." came a clipped military sounding voice. "This area has been placed under quarantine by the Earth Defence Fleet of the Federal Navy, please withdraw to a distance of at least five kilometres."

"Gunship Firestar this is Rear Admiral Jellicoe from Admiral Craddock's office, I am here on the Admiral's instruction to investigate the disappearance of Raan Corsen, all military personnel are ordered to cooperate you should have my authentication now." The authentication was genuine enough though not actually related to this affair, even so it would take a brave man  contradict it.

"Sir with the greatest respect my orders are that no one comes within five kilometres of this site without the personal approval of Sky Marshall Beskov."

"Now you listen here my lad, I am the direct personal representative of a senior naval aide to the president himself so unless you want to spend the next ten years hand cleaning the latrines of the filthiest battlecruiser I can find I suggest you start cooperating. I doubt the Sky Marshall will be too impressed at you obstructing me either." It was a bluff but a well played bluff and one with just enough truth behind it to work.

"Very well sir." The man said unhappily. "Please set down behind the Dropship."

"Has Raan Corsen been apprehended or is she still on the run?"

"Unfortunately Commander Corsen rejected our offers of help and protection and fled the system. Sky Marshall Beskov is personally leading the pursuit sir."

"I see." Jellicoe said slowly. "What is the Marshall's current position? I will provide assistance."

"Unfortunately sir I don't have that information." The man answered unhappily. "Please understand the situation is very fluid and changing by the minute."

"I understand." Jellicoe said in a tone suggesting he did nothing of the kind. "Your name and rank please?"

"Drummond sir, lieutenant." the officer answered wretchedly.

"Thank you Mr Drummond. Out." Jellicoe cut the link and turned the Resolution's nose towards open space.

"Did you have to torture him like that?" Claude asked disapprovingly.

"Got to stay in character." Jellicoe replied smirking "If he gets suspicious and checks out my authorisation we're hunk and probably have the EDF after us as well."

"So what now?" Claude asked as they entered super-cruise.

"Now we try to track down Sky Marshall Beskov and the pursuit."
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