Logbook entry

Operation Prism Part 2

31 Dec 2016Jellicoe
"Imperial duels of honour are fought with swords." Vik read out loud in his deep, musical voice. "In a duel between equals a scar satisfies honour and such contests are traditionally fought only to first blood."

"Fine by me." I replied. "I give the fat little bleeder something to remember me by then back to the ship for lunch."

"However." Vik continued. "As you are not an Imperial subject this is not considered to be a contest of equals and so is fought to the death or till one of you yields. Have you ever used a sword before?"

"I fenced for my university, I was bloody good at it."

"So not really then. You fenced for sport, but Imperial aristocrats are taught to sword fight from the day they're born. No target area, no right of way, no rules of any kind." It was the morning of my duel with Count Bohun and Vik who was my second, Mira and a young Imperial officer who had been reluctantly assigned to give me an idea of what to expect were about to set off for the field.

"So he's probably better with a sword, but the pampered little shit won't be a fighter though." I said. "Time to go."

"Actually he's killed three men in duels of honour Mr Jellicoe, and won another seven fought to first blood. He's a superb swordsman, he took lessons in Achenar from le Fevré himself."

"Well now he can have a lesson in Prism from me."

"I just love the way that cool English gentleman act of yours goes to shit when you're pissed at someone." Mira put in perceptively. "Carve him up Commander."

We arrived at the chosen field at the appointed time to find my opponent already there and the gloriously moustachioed officer resplendent in another spectacular uniform presiding, accompanied by two junior officers. After having the rules explained and removing our jackets and ties we were offered a choice of blades, all light, well balanced and equally suited to both cut and thrust, I chose one and then we stood while each others second checked us for concealed armour or weapons before taking up our positions.

"You are both aware of why you are here?" The lord high moustache asked, I nodded.

"I give Rear Admiral Jellicoe a final chance to apologise." Count Bohun declared with mock gallantry "He does not know our ways and we have come to expect corse manners from such people." The great moustache smiled indulgently and turned questioningly to me.

"He can bugger off if he thinks he'll get an apology off me."

"Then begin, and may the best man win."

I took up my guard and looked across at my antagonist, the sword was different to the sabres I was used to but not massively so and Bohun's guard was subtly different to what I was used to. We circled once, twice sizing each other up then I attacked. It was a move that had always served me well; a feint to the left shoulder then a cut to the sword arm wrist but Bohun, with unexpected speed for a man his size voided my blow and cut to my left shoulder smiling as he opened up a minor gash that served no purpose other than to make me look foolish.

"You fat bastard." I growled. "They won't find a bloody coffin to fit you." I attacked again but he again effortlessly slipped it and cut me across the stomach, nothing serious but it bled copiously. It was clear that Bohun did not just want to win but to humiliate me in doing so, a dangerous game but I had to be able to take advantage. I made a third attack and again he dodged and delivered a third stinging cut, this time to my left thigh and I fell, trying to make it look genuine while making sure my left hand landed in the flower bed and grasping a handful of the powdery soil.

"Had enough yet?" Bohun crowed. "Crawl over here and beg for your life and I'll accept it as a yield." I began to get up, making it look as though I was struggling.

"I've played by your rules." I spat. "Now you can play by mine." I threw the soil at his face and as he flinched back at the powdery cloud I hit him full in the face with the basket hilt of my sword following it up with a hacking kick to his groin. He staggered back but I grabbed his shirt collar to hold him upright. "Hillgate rules now sonny." I growled before slamming my forehead into his face. Bohun's second reached into his jacket and began to draw a gun (which he should not have had) but Vik was too quick for him, felling the slender young man with a single clubbing blow to the side of his head, Mira picked up the gun and held it levelled at the presiding officer.

"This is no duel this is a brawl, you are not worthy of the field of honour you will be tried like the common criminals you are." The grand moustache spluttered with rage.

"Except I'm the one with the gun." Mira said calmly.

"You may want to take a look over there young lady." He replied with a haughty smile and we turned to see another officer, this time in field uniform leading four soldiers in full tactical armour coming though the entrance to this section of the gardens.

"Commander Jellicoe you are under arrest for acts of smuggling, piracy and murder recently committed in the Cemiess system. You will come with me now."

"Come here and try your luck with one of these." I growled raising my sword.

"There is no right to trial by combat, you will come with me or you will be shot." The soldiers raised their rifles.

It was at that moment that a single gunshot rang out from behind us and I turned to see a man on horseback holding a pistol aloft. He was resplendent in the immaculate white uniform of an Imperial duke, his chest covered in decorations and a scarlet sash of pure silk, leading another troop of soldiers, accompanied by a woman, also on horseback. He rode close to me while his men raised their rifles and took aim, but not at Mira, Vik, or myself.

"Commander Jellicoe is under my custody lieutenant, you may withdraw." The newcomer said calmly and commandingly.

"My lord." The officer began. "I am here on the authority of Admiral Patreus."

"And I on that of the Emperor herself. Justice will be done I assure you, you may go now." The officer reluctantly withdrew.

"You and your friends will come with me now Commander Jellicoe."

"You think?" I spat. "Get down off that horse and I'll fillet you an' all you bastard."

The duke leaned down close to me. "There is no time for this. If you want to live, come with me immediately," he said quietly. Then leaning in closer, his eyes glinting, he said more quietly still a single word: "Remember."
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