Logbook entry

Dark Deeds and Black Flights - Epilogue

10 Oct 2017Jellicoe
"Detailed information about the site's origins are unknown at this time but it seems clear that it is of extra terrestrial origin." The newscaster said excitedly as film of the new discovery played to the galaxy.

"The secret's well and truly out now." Craddock said with satisfaction. "There's no chance of hushing it up again."

"What do you think it is?" Jellicoe asked taking a sip of his Scotch.

"The organic construction seems to fit with what we know of the Thargoids and it looks to be abandoned but for these scavenger creatures so my guess would be a base left behind after the war."

"And that's what they were keeping secret? All those deaths for that?"

"That's how it appears. Just goes to show one should never underestimate the independent pilots."

"So what do we do now?" Jellicoe asked.

"Nothing." Craddock replied drawing deeply on his cigar.


"There's nothing we can do, our only lead is hidden behind a permit lock so we keep our eyes and ears open, we gather intelligence and we wait for our opportunity."


"But nothing Stannis, this battle will be fought with information more than guns, we must wait for our enemy to show his hand before we can cut it off."

"So we just abandon those people on the Overlook?" Jellicoe demanded his eyes flashing dangerously.

"Unless you know a way past a permit lock and have a large enough fleet to take on a military grade carrier there's nothing we can do, yet. If you need to find consolation then take it from this, the secret they killed all those people to protect is out in the open now and there is nothing they can do about it. The Black Flight have failed."
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