Logbook entry

The Way Ahead

07 Nov 2017Jellicoe
Argent's Claim, Alioth

Kira Goméz tapped her perfectly manicured finger nails on her desk as she waited for her call to be answered. Once upon a time it would have been inconceivable for her to have to wait this long to speak to anyone in the Alliance hierarchy, even the Prime Minister himself would make time for her, but that had been before, before her apparent dalliance with a Federation Romeo agent had become known and she found herself, as far as Alioth society was concerned, effectively a non person. Doors that had once been routinely open were now firmly shut, her calls went unanswered, her company shunned, her career that many had tipped to lead to the Prime Ministership itself had come to a sudden and total halt. Technically she was 'suspended pending investigation' in practice she was gone, her credit accounts frozen with access only to living expenses and she was banned from leaving the planet. What rankled most was the injustice, while her relationship with Stannis Jellicoe might have been unwise the idea that he was a spy was absurd, indeed he had twice been vetted and cleared by the Intelligence Services yet the story was that he was a Federal Agent sent to seduce her and that she was the gullible older woman taken in by the attentions of a younger man. She knew it was nonsense and she knew those responsible knew that too, for three days she had been interrogated by the spooks yet not once was the Federation mentioned, all they were interested in was this mysterious Salomé woman and what Jellicoe knew of her and her followers in the Children of Raxxla. Kira had no idea why the Alliance were interested but what had come out after Salomé's death gave her a shrewd idea. For now though she had to think of herself and her son, and that meant finding a way to get her freedom back.

"I'm sorry Miss Goméz but Mr Ajumobi isn't available at the moment, can I take a message?" The secretary's holo-form said apologetically but firmly. This was the seventh time this week that Kol Ajumobi hadn't been available and it wasn't Wednesday lunchtime. Kira had been patient, more than patient, even after what had happened she had still expected the Alliance to put things right, a discrete pause then a brief investigation exonerating her. She had accepted this business had put an end to her political ambitions yet she had expected her name to be cleared, but when weeks had stretched to months and still nothing she decided to act, women did not get to her position without being owed a lot of favours and having one or two metaphorical weapons to deploy.

"I understand he's a busy man." Kira said in a honey smooth voice. "But could you tell him I need to speak to someone about the old days and I'd prefer it to be him first, can you tell him that please?"

"I will Miss Goméz but as I say he is a very busy man at the moment."

Kira barely had any time to pour herself a drink before she was alerted to an incoming holo-call and Kol Ajumobi's bulky form appeared in her front room.

"Kira." He greeted her brusquely. "What the hell was that message supposed to mean?"

"Hello Kol darling, I thought you were tied up all week?" Kira replied with feigned surprise, a mocking half smile on her lips.

"Cut the crap Kira." Kol snapped impatiently. "What do you want?"

"Not here darling my calls are almost certainly being bugged, dinner tonight somewhere that isn't, you choose." She smiled sweetly. "Text where to my PDA and I'll see you at eight."

At exactly 8PM Kira was shown into the private dining room of Kol Ajumobi's country residence, tastefully yet functionally decorated it was subtly different to the last time she had been there almost forty years before as tastes and fashions had altered, but it retained its intimate feel, a place where deals were done and, no doubt, seductions carried out.

"I must have really put myself beyond the pale if you can't even be seen in public with me, unless of course you're trying to rekindle an old flame?" Kira said with a mischievous smile.

"Stow the bullshit Kira, what do you want?"

"You never did have any of the civilised graces did you Kol? I used to find it quite attractive but then my taste in men was never one of my strong points."

"What do you want?"

"I want the investigation complete and my name cleared, I want my accounts released and my travel ban lifted. I can accept that my political ambitions are over but I've done nothing that should end my career."

"Not going to happen." Kol said a little uncomfortably.


"National security. He's a Fed spy and until he's caught you're under suspicion."

"You and I both know that's not true, yes I was foolish, yes I should have looked into him more thoroughly when he turned up again but he's no Federal spy. What's the real reason?"

"I don't fully know but it's less to do with this Jellicoe and more about what he knows and who he knows, it's all tied to this Salomé woman, that's all I know."

"Use your position. You owe me."

"I can't."

"You can't? You the darling of radical politics, the rising star of the house, the man Mahon himself turns to when he needs a fixer, you can't or you won't?" Kira's usually warm voice grew hard as iron.


"I really didn't want it to come to this Kol, threats are so vulgar but since you leave me no choice what do you think would happen if it became known that the coming man of Alioth politics, our great rags to riches fairy tale who rose from Trentham to the Prime Ministers inner circle and the poster boy for Alliance equality was bankrolled by organised crime?"

"Say what you like." Kol snapped but his voice betrayed a slight nervousness. "Nobody'll listen without proof, as far as the world's concerned you're just a bitter traitor."

"But darling, I do have proof." Kira gave the sweetest of smiles. "I may have only been twenty one, naïve and in love but I never quite trusted you even then, so I made very sure I had something on you just in case." She saw Kol's hand move towards his com tab. "Don't. I have several copies and should anything happen to either me or my son they will be sent to every major news outlet in the Alliance."

"You'd go down as well, hiding that for forty years makes you an accessory."

"You may not have noticed darling but I have quite a lot less to lose than you do."

"Okay." Kol said slumping back. "I can get your assets unlocked and travel ban lifted, I won't be able to get you your job back but I can get you a big pay off. Best I can do." He said decisively as he saw Kira poised to argue. "It'll cost me every favour I'm owed but I never hear from you again okay?"

"Deal, but do make sure the payoff is eye wateringly huge."

New California, Epsilon Eridani

Lying on the massage table in her suite at the health spa of the most exclusive resort in the most exclusive holiday destination in the galaxy Kira Goméz relaxed and smiled, this felt good. The loss of her career had hit her hard at first but the more she had thought about it the more liberating it became, she was now a phenomenally rich woman in a galaxy full of possibilities and she intended to make the most of them, both for herself and her son and this planet was a well deserved treat for both of them. Her massage finished she showered and retired to her living room, Corrin was playing football so she had a few hours to do nothing but pamper herself, the massage had been first and she was contemplating what next when a priority call came through, she answered it with slight irritation, she had thought the days of such disruptions gone until the holo form of her old friend Saiti Bathana shimmered into view.

"Kira it's me, I'm sorry but I don't know where else to turn." The woman blurted out, fear and worry etched on her face and clear in her voice. "It's Mhera, she's disappeared."
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