Logbook entry

The Living and the Damned - Part XII

03 Jan 2018Jellicoe
The reality of the Claire Dock 'Science Park' was considerably less impressive than either McKinley or the firm led people to believe. A collection of hastily erected prefabricated laboratory's with painfully inadequate power supply that were suitable for only the most basic research, indeed the more one looked the more it became increasingly clear that the stations shiny, high tech new facade was little more than a mirage resting on the same outdated and increasingly inadequate infrastructure.

"Of course what you're seeing now is only a very early stage of the development." McKinley flannelled, mistaking Jellicoe's complete disinterest for concern at the suitability of the facilities. "By the time you're ready to move in these babies'll be state of the art. Any hardware you need just let me know, you won't beat our price." Jellicoe smiled and nodded, if McKinley wasn't such a thoroughly odious little man he might have felt a pang of guilt for raising his hopes like this, but he was as bad as any of the rest of them. McKinley might not carry a gun or fly a raiding ship but the trail of broken bodies and ruined lives his particular brand of economics left in its wake were just as real. In Jellicoe's eyes he was, if anything worse than the pirates who infested the Pegasi; they made no secret of what they were, and it took a degree of personal courage to stalk the pirates prey, yet courage like honesty was something Carlton McKinley not only lacked but actively scorned. McKinley was a coward who could not even admit to himself what he was, profit brought growth he claimed, and growth benefited all, but that profit and growth was built on the backs of slave labour to make wicked men rich, and what was worse was the great mega-corporations of the Federation and elsewhere would flock to him, mouthing age old, empty platitudes about prosperity bringing freedom that not even the most credulous fool believed anymore. One day, if things went as they very well might Carlton McKinley could be shaking hands with prime ministers and presidents as the face of an economic tiger when he was no more than a gangster with a smile, at least Delaine, de Verre and the rest didn't pretend to be anything more than thieves and cut throats and the galaxy treated them accordingly, but men like McKinley were lauded, admired and embraced.

"C'mon, let me show you the first fully completed part, a cutting edge facility that brought one of the greatest neurosurgeons in the Empire to Claire Dock." McKinley said eager to rekindle Jellicoe's interest.

"I thought Doctor Glaboski came here to stay out of gaol?" Jellicoe asked.

"Doctor Glaboski is a great man, who appreciates that for the good of us all science must be freed from petty moral constraints," McKinley replied smoothly and in apparent earnest, "we in Black Omega share his vision of scientists free to seek the truth for all mankind. I'm sure you can see the advantages of this attitude for your own research." He finished with a knowing smile.

"Most enlightened I'm sure." Jellicoe replied fighting the urge to wipe the smug smile off the mans face with his fists.

The rather grandly titled 'Glaboski Institute for Better Health' was indeed an impressive building set in its own grounds behind a high steel wall, McKinley's pass was enough to get them through security and they walked through an impressively clean and modern chrome and glass entrance hall.

"we need to be quiet and as quick as possible," McKinley said in hushed tones, "The good doctor doesn't like strangers poking about."

They toured the facility, McKinley gushing about the cutting edge equipment while Jellicoe alternately fought to remain conscious or not punch his companion in the face. He had found McKinley tiresome enough when he thought he might have what he wanted, now that the lead appeared a dead end it was hardly bearable, but his cover had to be maintained. The centre was certainly well fitted out, though some rooms were locked, windowless and apparently soundproofed others held an impressive array of equipment including, to Jellicoe's surprise, a number of mini hydroponic tanks growing, apparently unsuccessfully, a range of exotic plants, staff seemed few, patients apparently non existent. The seemingly interminable tour reached a large brightly lit laboratory, a bald man in a white lab coat stood with his back to the plexiglass while a blonde woman, also with her back to the window tended a small hydroponic pod the plants in this one seemingly thriving.

"We should be moving on," McKinley whispered, "that's the doctor, he won't like us hanging around here." Jellicoe nodded and was about to follow when the blonde woman turned, removed her mask and spoke to the doctor, Jellicoe instantly recognised a face he had only seen before in holograms, the face that had brought him here in the first place. It was Mhera Bathana.

"What's she doing here? Why did you lie to me?" Jellicoe snapped.

"Hey buddy I ain't lied to you, what you talking about?" McKinley replied, taken aback by the sudden change in the usually ice cool Jellicoe.

"That woman, she wasn't on your list of scientists, what's she doing here?"

"I dunno, probably a lab assistant or something, why do you know her?"

Jellicoe though quickly, his reply could be crucial. "She was at university with my brother, she's an expert in just the field I need, if I can have her to head up this project I won't be looking anywhere else."

Carlton McKinley extended his hand smiling with relief and delight. "In that case Mr Jellicoe we have a deal."
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