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The Living and the Damned - Out of character note

01 Feb 2018Jellicoe
This story was a lot of fun and very challenging to write, fun because it allowed me to put my characters into to the amazing and vibrant 'world' of the Pegasi with its shifting tide of intrigue. betrayals and vividly drawn characters that Marra Morgan, Matthew Lehman and others have brought so brilliantly to life and also to produce a footnote to the story of Mhera Bathana that I had very much enjoyed reading. Challenging because my story took place against the established backdrop of the stories 'The Heavy Date' by 'Mhera Bathana' and 'Pegai Autumn' by M Lehman and Jem Caesar (both highly recommended and far superior to my scribblings), which meant that I had to have Jellicoe & Co in the same place at the same time and for a similar purpose as other characters without interacting with them or affecting 'established' events. I knew from the outset that Jellicoe could not save Mhera nor bring anyone to any kind of justice for her murder but I had to come up with a way for him to track her from her abduction in Maia to Claire Dock in the Pegasi that was hopefully plausible and readable while trying to develop his character and relationships with those close to him. I have tried to do justice to the setting that others have done such a superb job of creating and to the characters created by others that my story touched upon.

My special thanks go to Stryker Aune for letting me write this story about his creation at all, to Marra Morgan for letting me write her character into my story and giving the okay to other aspects of it, to Daman for letting me include his character and advice on the Galactic Railroad campaign and to Jem Caesar for correcting the dreadful grammar and punctuation in several episodes of this story. Last but certainly not least to all the writers but particularly Marra, Matt and Stryker who have built the world of the Pegasi that this story was set in, I hope I have done it justice. Any errors or inconsistencies are entirely my fault.
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