Logbook entry

Singing Senator Patreus' Beard - Part II

25 Feb 2018Jellicoe
Classified location, Nanomam

"Come." A sharp faced, severely beautiful woman said in answer to the electronic bleep from her office door. An immaculately turned out young man in a Post Commanders uniform entered and snapped smartly to attention before the woman's desk.

"Yes Titus?" The woman asked, one eyebrow raising slightly.

"A Stannis Jellicoe Ma'am, you wanted keeping up to date on his movements. He's been confirmed back in the bubble, in the Coma system."

The woman looked out into space a feint smile crossing her sharp face. "Far too predictable Mister Jellicoe," She said quietly before turning her attention back to the young man, "I want you to contact our asset in that sector, the details will be sent to you, and tell him I want Mr Jellicoe apprehending and bringing to me."

The young man looked uncomfortable, questioning a superior officer was not wise but still, the admiral had to be made aware of the feelings of a number of her subordinates.

"Admiral Sleer, may I speak freely?"

"You may." The woman replied, a steel edge to her voice and her eyes flashing dangerously.

"Ma'am, with respect, the Loren woman has been dead for nine months, her followers are scattered, divided and powerless and while none of us would argue with keeping them under surveillance is it really worth risking a valuable covert asset to bring in someone who really doesn't matter any more?"

The Admiral looked the man straight in the eye, fixing him with a gaze that chilled his blood.

"Tell me Titus, what do you know of Coma?"

"Run of the mill industrial system Ma'am, nominally part of the Federation but in Patreus' pocket, hub system for the local cluster. Sensitive ish region but very quiet of late. Have I missed anything Ma'am?" Titus answered a little confused.

"Only the most important detail," Sleer replied her eyes glittering, "Coma has recently become home to a group calling themselves Newton's Fusiliers." Sleer smiled savagely at the blank look on her subordinates face. "Newton's Fusiliers are a collection of brigands and troublemakers who describe themselves as a mercenary unit, irritating but insignificant, until now."

"I don't follow Ma'am." Titus was completely lost now.

"Newton's Fusiliers recently co-opted the name of Kahina Loren in some ludicrous declaration and appeal for help, with Jellicoe joining them they now have two of Loren's senior followers and one of her co-conspirators with them, even dead her name has the power to cause trouble and independents are joining them on the strength of it.. Patreus's people will deal with the situation in Coma but I want this whole absurd 'resistance' movement crushing before it can grow into any sort of threat and securing one of Loren's senior henchmen will be a big help in doing that. That is one reason."

"Yes MA'am."

Admiral Craddock is the other reason."

"Admiral Christopher Craddock? Your predecessor?"

"The same."

"But he's on Mars, indefinite medical leave."

"Such is the official version. The truth is he disappeared over a year ago and we have no idea where he is, but he knows too much, has a significant network behind him and has been causing us a lot of trouble. We know he has been in contact with Jellicoe and if his network and these fools in Coma link up they could become... troublesome, so I want this man to lead me to him as well as to counter the people in Coma."

"I'll get right onto it Ma'am."

"Good." Sleer said with a smile of pure malice. "Our agent in that sector has had a run in with Mister Jellicoe before and I suspect he will take a great deal of pleasure in this Job."

"Very good Admiral."

"One last thing Titus."


"Don't ever question my orders again. That's all."
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