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Singing Senator Patreus' Beard - Part IV

25 Mar 2018Jellicoe
Paiph System

"Engines disengaged." The computer trilled as the Corvette settled on the surface of Paiphu D 5 A. The place was of no significance, the uninteresting moon of an uninteresting planet hundreds of thousands of light seconds from the systems main star, uninhabited and lacking any significant mineral resources there was no reason for anyone to visit whatsoever. Unless they wanted to hid. For a fugitive this was the perfect bolt hole to lie low for a brief spell of  recuperation, and the ship that touched down in the darkly shadowed valley was certainly in need of that.

"Status report?" Stannis Jellicoe demanded leaning back in his chair and stretching as his body became accustomed to gravity.

"X and Y guns are completely out of ammo, A and B batteries have less than a hundred rounds each, I'm programming the workshops to synthesise more while we sleep. We're down to our last heat sink, again we can fabricate a re-fill but we've only got two cell-banks left and when they're gone that's it." Claude Marsaud replied rubbing his eyes and stiffing a yawn.

"Alright find an independent port close to Coma, one we've not used before, we'll make another sortie then stop off for a replenish and run."

"I'll get on to it. There is one more thing though skipper?"

"Yes?" Jellicoe replied, raising a questioning eyebrow.

"We've been on constant combat operations for two weeks now, it's too much the crew need a break."

Jellicoe's eyes flashed, "Navy regs say three weeks, maybe four in exceptional circumstances is acceptable, I know we're not in the navy but it's a good guide."

"Navy crews are trained for it, we're not; plus navy ships have three watches we've barely got one. It's too much we need rest, you need rest, those stims you're pumping yourself full of won't keep you going forever."

"Are you spying on me?" Jellicoe demanded hotly.

"I don't have to, I've seen enough pep heads to know the signs."

"They give me an edge, sharpen me up in combat and we need every edge we can get."

"Since when did you need drugs to give you an edge?"

"I don't need them!" Jellicoe snapped indignantly, "But we're close to pulling this off, I have to keep going."

"Take a couple of days rest, give the stims a break. Phisto and the others are on top of this, the whole resistance movement won't collapse just because you have a few days off."

"That will be all Number One." Jellicoe replied in a voice hard as steel and with the finality of the grave. "Get some rest I want to be back in Coma in seven standard hours."

Claude shook his head resignedly and walked off the bridge, pausing at the door. "Something that might interest you," He said in a cold voice, "I just had word from the Fusiliers safe house in Malenchenko, you're now Coma's most wanted. Congratulations."

Ackerman Depot, Coma

"Your reports are most thorough Mr Edwards, my congratulations." The slender, strikingly handsome man behind the desk said flashing a dazzling smile at the holographic image before him. "This is every recorded action of Stannis Jellicoe in Coma?"

"That's correct, I also have the same data for Phisto Sobanii, Isaiah Evanson and anyone else with a bounty of over five hundred thousand, shall I transfer it to your slate?" Artur Edwards, official of the Malaka Purple State Industries tried to hide his distaste at the man sent by the Federation, a high handed spook with an arrogant manner and enormous superiority complex who hadn't even the courtesy to give his name. Edwards wasn't at all fond of the Federation to which his corporation were nominally loyal, but with Newton's Fusiliers gaining ground fast, and Patreus' people seemingly caught on the hop they needed any help they could get.

"No thank you, I'm sure they're every bit as thorough but my orders only concern this Jellicoe. Now did your people scan his high wakes when he withdrew?"

"Of  course. Random destinations, all local systems with no pattern to them. It's all in the report."

"And did any of your lumpen plods think to give chase?" The man asked, a smile on his face but a glittering malevolence in his disturbingly piercing eyes.

"It would have meant leaving our jurisdiction, a major incident is the last thing anyone needs, we alerted bounty hunters to his location." Edwards answered, swallowing his irritation at the mans breathtaking insult to the Coma police.

"I suppose initiative is too much to expect from a collection of back of beyond bumpkins. Thank you that will be all, keep me updated on any further encounters with Jellicoe as they happen."

"But the others! The Fusiliers threat is growing by the day, we can't hold them! We're a Federation member, what are you going to do to help us?"

"Nothing." The man replied with a cheerful smile.

"Nothing?" Edwards spluttered "But..."

"Don't you think you gave up the right to Federation help when you jumped into bed with Patreus?" The man said, a patronising smile on his face, and in a tone of voice suggesting he was speaking to a stupid but amiable child. "You made that bed and now you have to lie in it. Maybe his people will protect you, I do rather like you so I hope so."

"And you still expect me to help you?" Edwards replied his voice filled with shock and anger.

"Yes that's right."

"Why? What could possibly make me help you now?"

"Pure self interest of course Mr Edwards," The man said still smiling, "Newton's Fusiliers will take Coma, there's nothing anyone can do to stop that anymore but they won't hold it.. When Patreus's people regroup they'll take it back again but they won't entrust it to you idiots, this time they'll use a more competent proxy, my guess is the Liberals, that way Coma nominally remain in the Federation, we keep the taxes and get to pose as the glorious liberators, Patreus keeps effective control and everybody's faces are saved, well, everybody's except for the fools who lost it in the first place. What do you think happens to you people? The Federation won't want you, you're just Imperial stooges and not even very good ones, you're no use to Patreus anymore just failed hirelings with nothing left to offer but if you do as I ask I can give you a personal escape route... or you can take your chances with the Fusiliers."

"What do you want from me? Mr?"

"Just every scrap of data on Commander Jellicoe as soon as it's received and my name? Sorry, that's given on a need to know basis, and you don't. Out." The man worked his console and Artur Edwards hologram was replaced by one of a nondescript man in a plain black flight-suit in the captains chair of a Core Dynamics Gunship. "Ah Commander Haines. Jellicoe's location will be sent to your wing as soon as he jumps out of Coma." Not even waiting for a reply the man closed the link and made another call, this time a savagely beautiful woman in the uniform off a Federation Admiral shimmered into view. "Progress report on the Jellicoe operation Admiral Sleer." The man said, his voice lacking any of its usual arrogance.


"The Coma police will report his destination as soon as he jumps Ma'am, the collection wing are ready to go the moment they get word."

"WHo is leading the collection wing?" The woman asked, her cut glass accented voice as sharp as her elegantly sculpted features.

"Commander Haines Ma'am, an experienced and capable officer."

"He is an unimaginative dullard." The woman replied. "But he usually gets the job done. Just make sure Jellicoe doesn't slip through your fingers again Rickard, I'm sure what's left of Delkar Limited would still very much like to get their hands on the turncoat who betrayed them them as their little empire collapsed."
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