Logbook entry

Singing Senator Patreus' Beard - Part VI

06 Apr 2018Jellicoe
Ackerman Depot, Coma

"We're in position Claude, ready when you are."

"Roger that Skipper I'm accessing the security protocols now, it should only take a few minutes."

"Just one more time but you're sure this information's reliable?" Jellicoe asked as he nursed his coffee in the small cafe at the base of one of Ackerman Depot's more up market hab blocks.. Vik sat eating breakfast at a table across the room while Harry Soames was apparently browsing the souvenir kiosk.

"100% copper bottomed, it's from an old contact in the FRC I kept in touch with, it's definitely Rickard and he's definitely here."

"Why would they tip us off? Why not deal with him themselves?"

"Coma's a Federation system as well which makes outright murder a little awkward, doubly so if he's still working for Sleer or the spooks, major diplomatic incident between neighbouring systems is bad for business, we're deniable."

Jellicoe sipped his coffee and pretended to read from his PDA. Nedim Rickard, the man who had hanged five of his then comrades as he watched powerless to help, the man who had cold bloddedly gunned down a fleeing woman before framing Jellicoe for her murder and the man who had sabotaged his ship and tried to hand him over to Admiral Sleer. Nedim Rickard, murderer, rapist and traitor was here and within his grasp, it just seemed too easy, too convenient.

"What the hell's a man like Rickard doing in a shit hole like Ackerman?" Jellicoe asked half to himself.

"Coma's not far from Delkar, if he is still working for Sleer it would make sense to use his local knowledge or he might just be hiding here from the FRC or his old employers. Anyway I'm in... hmmmm that's interesting."


!The enhanced security protocols have been disabled on Rickard's apartment, there's only the standard cameras, I've overridden them so you're clear to proceed."

"Why would they do that?"

"It's expensive, I'd guess he ran out of money we all know how much he liked the high life."

"Could this be a set up?" Jellicoe asked concerned.

"No, there are usually footprints on the net if anyone's up to something like that and there are none here. Keep your eyes open and don't take too long but there's no reason to be suspicious."

Jellicoe finished his coffee and moved to the entrance to the apartment block which opened to his touch as Claude overrode the identification protocols, Vik followed a minute later while Harry Soames took up position to watch the entrance from outside. The block itself was neat and well maintained, nowhere near the pinnacle of luxury but as good as could be expected at a small, out of the way outpost, clean and functional but lacking any of the stylistic flourishes of more opulent ports. On the 23rd floor they approached a door which opened automatically onto a plush, well appointed apartment, comfortable but not homely, the place of someone who rarely spent much time in one place. Drawing their pistols they passed through the entrance hall into a large central living area, a small chrome aluminium dining tableat one end, a white leather sofa and armchair at the other and, facing the doorway a desk at which sat, sharp suited and perfectly groomed as ever, Nedim Rickard. Rickard did not seem at all surprised as the door opened, but when he saw who came through it his face, only for a fleeting moment bore a look of pure astonishment.

"I was wondering who she'd sent," Rickard said quickly recovering his composure, "Though I must confess I never expected it to be you."

"She? Send? What are you talking about Rickard?" Jellicoe asked, irritation and contempt mixed in his voice.

"Who Admiral Sleer would send to kill me," Rickard replied quite calmly, "I was lucky to survive you escaping me in Delkar, as soon as you got away from Haines I knew what was coming, nobody fails the admiral twice."

"You were behind the attack in Condi?"

"It was a little too well executed for the local flatfoot didn't you think?" Rickard said, his familiar smug smile briefly flickering across his handsome features. "How did she put you onto me? An old contact from your Federation days would be my guess. Getting you to kill me for me failing to capture you would appeal to her vanity, even now I have to admire the woman. She won't stop you know, you'll be running from her for the rest of your life."

"Haines attack was three days ago, if you knew what was coming why are you still here?"

Rickard smiled. "I'd never get off this rock. My accounts have been frozen, my coms cut and I'm under house arrest while some rather lurid accusations against me are investigated. I've played and I've lost Mr Jellicoe, I choose to accept that with a little dignity left rather than die like a rat hiding in a hole. I also now get the unexpected final pleasure of looking you in the eye as you become everything you used to despise."

Jellicoe levelled his pistol at Rickard's face. "I hope it's worth it," he growled, "in the name of the Provisional Government of Coma and in the name of the resistance I sentence you to death for the murder of Adelaida Morton. Do you deny your guilt?"

"Would it make a difference if I did?"

"No." Jellicoe replied a moment before pulling the trigger.
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︎10 Shiny!
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