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Ancient findings (cringe warning)

08 Jun 2021GoingGame
Ancient message found.$*$*@^

8th June 2021

Location - sy##&=×€$€@£&# 2D (Secret )

....surf..ce ..scan com..ete

Unkn%wn structure found
Related to guardians....an extinct species to @*#*@

Think i found something...
Some kind of struct+re. Not manly
Lets check it out.....

He went towards the Unknown stucture.
Ships.. d.cked srvs out..
He explore the place..
There are many glowy things here. Oh my God they look so awsome!?
Lets gather some data maybe i will find more about this place and the people(aliens) living here..
....2hrs of searching nothing much found..
But suddenly.. he saw.. something..
"Wh-wh- whose there??"....(buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......)

Alert... ho,,tiles detected.

(Alien manifest scanner scanning)

Stealing detected.. return us and go away....

Goinggame.. " what the ..#^$* is this thing saying?..

Oh maybe he is saying me to loot this place..

(Screams) "I am doing what you'r sayin'. Just go away you are way to scary"

Goinggame continues to collect materials..

Suddenly he came upon a tower tower like thing
"My sixth sense is saying i should fire at it"
After shooting a few bullets at the structure a beam of light lights up from inside the structure...
Unknown- " This is the Guardian territory... We fight against a race called thargoids.#*#

We think you have come to help us destroy those pi#ce of sh#ts..
You can for sure but you will be needing some materials before you go. Take this blueprint.. this the called the booster blueprint. This is the first step towards destroying our enemies.. Make something out of it and attach it to your ship and you will reach your destination in no time.. This is the first step towards your victory to thargoids.. come back later and do what i say and you will be handed more..

Goinggame goes to his ship half out of mind puzzled what just happened..

Guardian drone-" So you have choosen death"
But your boss gave this to me what th. Why are you shootimg at me...?
Goinggame runs and finally departs, his ship half blown..

After reaching home he thinks what yo do with this blueprint..
Goinggame" I am too lazy to think, i will just ask the technology broker about it he is the tech guy not me.

Technology broker makes the fsd booster and the life of goinggame got easier by getting 10ly jump on his aspx

End of cringe log......#*#*(@(@;#
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