Logbook entry

Massacre missions!

08 Jul 2021GoingGame
8th july 3307
Location : Andromeda

So here i am resting after my game crashed The whole story was this. My friend hark pendragon (squadron leader) and i set a goal to get two carriers as fast as possible. And we both are fighters and dont want to do boring things like cargo hauling and mining. I heard from him that massacre missions pay a good amount and is currently the most profitable in combat. After hearing this i was overexcited and threw my type 9 to the dump lol and goty trusty anaconda. He got his type 10 and we both went to a system that i forgot. We got some massacre missions which werent paying that much but combined they payed a good amount. After we go to a rez site to farm pirates we chat, crashed each other, crashed myself on a rock and all those fun stuff. We also killed a lot of pirates. But after like an hour of hunting the buggy and technical side of the game took over. Basically my gane crashed and then it didnt let me in and his game was lagging so he also quitted. Thats it. I might do the rest of the killing myself or with him if he comes with me. Thats it for this log i hope all works out well for hark, me and everyone

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