Logbook entry

A new era of domestic terrorism [MAR 24 - 3307]

25 Mar 2021M. V. Coehoorn
So, there it is. Jerome Archer, former secretary of security and director of the Federal intelligence agency was announced to take on the mantle of Vice President.

We are looking at a precedent which will usher in a new era of domestic terrorism, restriction of freedom and human rights and state invigilation.

This trend towards social degeneration leaves many of us with a bitter aftertaste and begs to ask the question, whether the Federation could be the next empire.

Now, more than ever, I implore all independent commanders to take a stand against this stratocratic development and to search for the truth between the lines. Do not be a pawn on the battlefield of aristocrats, stratocrats and autocrats.

o7 and may the Voidseeker guide your vessel.

Cmdr M. V. Coehoorn
Order of the Voidseeker
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