Logbook entry

Salvations identity revealed as Caleb Wycherley or "the Witch" - Head figure of Azimuth

28 May 2022M. V. Coehoorn
The Order of the Voidseeker is delighted to announce that the identity of Salvation was revealed thanks to Prof. Alba Tesreau and an anonymous informant.

The logs you can see upon following the links on the bottom, or scanning the data terminals in DG Canum Venaticorum, planet A 4 A, prove that our Order and countless other commanders who were suspicious of Salvation were right, and that Salvation and Azimuth are indeed one and the same. A dangerous corporation under a deranged, psychopathic xenophobe.

A further revelation is Azimuths/Salvations involvement in INRA, project Mycoid and possibly even the death of Cmdr Jameson.

Some people will also be delighted to see, that the same person they deemed to be their Salvation, is responsible for unsanctioned and inhumane experiments of "project Seraph" - putting involuntary test subjects into Thargoid vessels, leading to the death of most of them.

Now, more than ever, our Order is willing and ready to stop the Witch / Salvation to ensure a bright future for all of us.
Take a stand, do not support evil incarnated. Do not fight Wycherleys personal war.

Screenshots by Cmdr Hurix

Summary by Cmdr Factabulous
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