Logbook entry

29/08/3301 - Pranav Antal: visionary or cult leader?

29 Aug 2015Bie
Mining has been good in the Lynx sector. And the company is surprisingly good in the edges of civilized space. A lot of hard working souls doing a hard day's job. Met a miner in Fergusson City. He made a boatload of credits in the Antal system a few months ago, supplying Lobachevsky Station with metals for some kind of grand project of Pranav Antal. Hadn't heard of him to be honest. Yet the miner was all positive about this Pranav guy.

Pranav Antal preaches equality for everyone and tolerance to all. His ways seem a breath of fresh air when compared to the corruption of the Federation or the hypocrisy of the Alliance. But who knows, I could be wrong and this guy could be some kind of shady cult leader or total nutcase.

I think I'm going to jump into my Scout and take a look for myself. If I like what I see, I can always relocate my mining ASP.
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