Logbook entry

01/10/3302 - Back to the skies

30 Sep 2016Bie
It has been nearly a year since the battle of Kenna. The doctors cleared me for combat within the month. Physically I felt fine, but mentally I was a wreck. Post traumatism, who knows?

I returned to Tanner Settlement, to my family and was offered a position in the local police force on the station. Law enforcement is in my blood and habits from the cockpit translated fairly quickly to my job on the force. Yesterday was my last day though. I have decided to head out again. During the past month I have been checking up on my old ships and have been getting them ready one by one.

During my retreat to Tanner, I have been largely ignoring Utopia news and politics. Only recently I read that the Kenna system has been seized by Utopia. Good news, my mind is at ease knowing the fighting and sacrifices were not in vain.

A lot has changed, but I'll find my way again. Back to the skies ...
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