Logbook entry

15/10/3302 - HIP 118213: home of the Guardians of Harmony

15 Oct 2016Bie
It is done. For the time being I have left the ranks of Pranav Antal. For the past ten months I wasn't really on active duty anyway, but a decision had to made.

I am not however going to sever my ties with the Guardians of Harmony. Back in the day the Guardians were formed by a couple of Utopians. They formed a neutral faction, where people of all powers could join and contribute to rid the galaxy of injustice. It appealed to me and I was quick to join. Yet my main focus had always laid with Utopia itself.

Warhammer, Miney and Waywatcher are all docked in Lorenz Hub. These are the only ships I will be needing for the moment. Estefani Scott, the Guardians of Harmony secretary, has helped me get my bearings the past days. She has done the necessary to find housing for my family and did a lot of the administration to get me going in HIP 118213.

She also said that there is a war raging in the Isla system. Though the Guardians are winning, they need all the help they can get. Guess where I'm going?
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