Logbook entry

07/12/3302 - Off to Colonia

07 Dec 2016Bie
Time to head out again. This time I'm aiming high: Colonia! It is only ten times further away than I've ever ventured out of the bubble. But sometimes you have to be bold and just go for it.

I've taken out Argon and gave its frame shift drive a slight overhaul. I only managed to squeeze out three more lightyears of jumprange. But hey, every inch counts right?

I'm not sure if I'll ever make it at Jaques Station. I think it will take me a couple of weeks to actually get there and boredom might get the better of me. Keeping your sanity on such long and lonely journeys is also something to consider. Space madness might be a popular myth, but I for one take it serious.
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