Logbook entry

09/08/3303 - Ambush in Wolf 397

09 Aug 2017Bie
Yesterday I returned from the Hehe system after fighting for the Feds in the civil war. I took the opportunity to try out White Wolf, my retooled Federal Assault Ship. Once in Daedalus I hooked up with Weldon Dixon. He's in my crew, he is actually the only one left. As the rest have either left in pursuit of better things or have been shot to pieces in one of my many combat sorties. The plan is to head over to Wolf 397 and pay a visit to Todd "The Blaster Mcquinn". I might want to do some salvaging there, so I'll take the Keelback.

Weldon is a trusty friend and a capable pilot. He's been on my payroll for a couple of months now and has been mainly manning the fighters for me. I'm glad he's got my back. He surely has made lots of progress since I offered him his job. "You'll make it to Elite before me, you'll see"  I always used to joke to him.

Playing back the flight recording of our last flight:
  • Ship: Waywatcher
  • Registry: BI-15I
  • Type: Keelback
  • Audio log: 2359
  • Date: 08/08/3303 - 19:01h
Weldon:  "Commander, we have arrived in Wolf 397. Establishing orbit around the sun."
Bie:          "Thanks Weldon, I'll take it from here."
Weldon:  "Right. One contact on our sensors, it doesn't seem to be moving."
                "Stand by for a full scan... Fifteen light-seconds away, facing us."
                "A shieldless Assault Ship without ship ID."
                "Ship name reads Thargoid Prime."
Bie:          "Noted. You go ahead and take a break, you can use it."
Weldon: "Sure thing, just give a shout if you need me."
Bie:          "Hold it,... Contact seems to be moving towards us."

System:   Interdiction initiated by Thargoid Prime

Bie:          "Weldon, we're being interdicted. Head to your seat and prepare for teleprescence."
Weldon:  "Wilco Commander."

System:   Power distribution - SYS: 4 - ENG: 1 - WEA: 1

Bie:          "I can't hold it. Submitting...

Systems:  Dropping from supercruise

Bie:          "Right, let's see what we have here."
                 "Thargoid Prime, this is Waywatcher. State your intentions."
                 "Blast! No response."
                 "Weldon, I'm going for an about turn, launch the fighter on my command."
Weldon:   "Rearing to go Commander, just g...." *Static*

Systems:   Shields down
Systems:   Hull critical
Systems:   Powerplant failure
Systems:   Hull breach on aft section
Systems:   Systems failure
Systems:   Life support failure
Systems:   Hull breach on port section
Systems:   *End of recording*

According to the flight recorder there were eight seconds between the drop out of supercruise and the destruction of the ship. I remember righting the ship after the drop and making a turn upwards. The next thing I know I am floating in outer space between my ships' debris. I faintly distinguished the green engine wash of the attacking ship while I faded to unconsiousness. Turns out that CMDR Majungatholus used his ship as a battering ram. Given his ships' mass he went straight through my Keelback.

Following the attack I must have drifted in space for what seemed a couple of hours before finally being picked up by the system security. For the moment I'm being patched up in the hospital in Deadalus. Luckily my injuries are remarkably minor ones. Weldon Dixon is not so fortunate. He died during the attack on Waywatcher.

Rest in peace Weldon. You'll be missed.
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