Logbook entry

23/11/3301 - Blue Hand Gang

23 Nov 2015Bie
After earning my stripes in Operation Cherokee, pacifying Ewah and its surrounding systems for Pranav Antal, I decided to go back and return to a quieter life and dust off Miney my mining ASP. The old girl was mothballed in order to finance Warhammer, my newest acquisition. It felt great though to once again fly my trusty ASP. I made good money in the Kaushpoos and HIP 8396 community goals and ended in the top 33% in both instances.

I let my guard down though. Most time spent mining is time spent alone. When finally returning to Polevnic I passed through the Devakak system and got interdicted by two Diamondback Scouts. No big deal I thought while powering up my frame shift drive. Immediately and without warning the Scouts opened fire and pierced my shields in mere seconds. Railguns then targeted my power plant and soon I was drifting defenseless through the void. Instinctively I bailed out and watched my ship explode behind me.

The Blue Hand Gang they are called. A ruthless band of criminals with a firm grip on the Devakak System. They will soon regret what they did, mark my words...
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