Logbook entry

04/12/3301 - Reflecting on the battle for Kenna

04 Dec 2015Bie
Utopia fought valiantly, but lost in the end. The Kenna system remains an independent no-mans-land between Pranav Antal and Patreus space.

Things started off promising though. Our public relations officers spread positive messages throughout the civilian population. Soon however agitators started riling up the masses and violent protests erupted all over the system. Utopian commanders from other expansion systems rushed in to reinforce their comrades. By the end the system was swarming with Utopian wings engaging in combat sorties. According to sources foreign powers intervened heavily in the Kenna system and that is the reason why we were so massively opposed. This expansion must have struck a cord to warrant such a response.

Warhammer needs serious repairs and will be overhauled the next few weeks. Maybe I'll give it a new paint job. I'm thinking black. As for me, I've sustained some superficial wounds and burns and I've had a mild concussion in the last sortie. The medical team says I need to take it easy for the time being.
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