Logbook entry

10/08/3301 - Change of leadership ongoing in Istanu system

10 Aug 2015Bie
The civil war in Istanu is finally over! After a bloody couple of months Haber prospect has been taken by Istanu United. Currently they are in control of the outpost and are holding elections. Both Istanu United and the New Wolf 248 League are vying for power in this process.

It is clear to say that had it not been for the intervention of the New Wolf 248 League, sending their expeditionary forces to deal with the rampant piracy, it might have turned out differently for the Istanu system. This has surely made them popular amongst the local population.

As for the Crew of Istanu, they have been soundly beaten. Piracy is down in the system and most of the members seem to be keeping a low profile or have fled the system. Their iron grip on the Istanu system has been lifted. This is a great day. I think I'm going to crack open that bottle of Lavian brandy I've been keeping for a celebration.
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