Logbook entry

Endless Desert

11 Mar 2021Madi-Tenurr
Never though I'd miss the sound of rain. The mass of small percussive beats... the subtle liquid drips of the water joining into one body... It's such a normal and mundane thing back planet side that you never really stop to think about it. I've been in space almost nonstop for months, and the absence never crossed my mind. Now that it has, the near constant silence presses in on me as if to say "There's nothing here. You're alone." The experience is alien to me. For years I sought out the silence, seeking to escape the cacophony of day to day life. I certainly don't miss the dogs barking at 3 AM, the honking and roar of aggressive traffic on the freeways... The silence and solitude was a welcome reprieve, and something I actively looked forward to back then. Yet I miss the rain. Space is a little too quiet for me right now; a little too barren. An endless desert... I think I'll check the next starport for recordings of the rain.
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